A Perfect Week In The Great Outdoors!... Or, Not...

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Monday, 7th of August, 06:29 AM. Akatani Household.

Mikumo was laying face down on his bed in the most uncomfortable way possible whilst screaming into a pillow. For some unknown reason, he has a tendency to lay or sit in the strangest way possible for him to be comfortable, and he'd stay like that for hours on end.

Anyways, he was immensely exhausted, and had his signature facial expression that said: 'speak to me and I'll rip out your organs.'.

Through the pillow he was screaming into, of course.

But why was he exhausted, you ask?

Well . . .

• Flashback •
The Past Few Months And a Bit, In a Summary.

After coming back to school from Class 1-A's internships, the students were immediately slapped in the face with even more training since the Final Exams were drawing near. The Written Exam and Practical Exam. To the students who had passed both Exams, they would be rewarded with a week long Camping Trip during the summer break.

Mikumo didn't have as much to worry about the Exams as others did, since he got the highest score on their midterms with Yaoyorozu. Plus, his combat and martial art skills were getting better, and his gadgets too. The others were freaking out about both Exams, but fortunately got tutoring from Yaoyorozu and Bakugo respectively. Mikumo kindly gave the middle finger to anyone who tried to ask him to tutor them.

As Mikumo predicted, the 3-day Written Exams went by like a breeze and soon enough it was time for the Practical Exams. He and some other classmates heard from Class 1-B's big sister Kendou that they would be fighting robots again. Mikumo found it a little hard to believe, and didn't care all too much aswell as Bakugo.

On the day of the Practical Exams, Mikumo was ready to fight whatever or whoever they threw at him. However, what Mikumo didn't prepare for was being in a team.

With Bakugo.

His exact opposite.

Mikumo tried to look on the bright side (for once). He could come up with many different strategies for them to use in order to pass depending on who they fought, which ended up being a Pro Hero.

Who decided that teenagers would be able to fight fucking Pro-Heroes, again?

And just to Mikumo's luck, the Pro Hero they had to fight was none other than All Might.


2 of them.

Complete opposites.

One of them being a major horny bastard.

(*cough cough* Bakugo- *cough cough*)

Fighting a 6'5 ft tall, muscly Pro Hero.

Not to mention the Symbol Of Peace,

AKA the Number 1 Hero.

. . .


What's wrong with this school?!

How old are these kids, like 15? 16 even?

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