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"They are so mean, how can they?? those are our wives, not anyone who'll intentionally drag us in this argh!! I even had to file a lawsuit when I'll get time", Jungkook said.

"We know right? But Hybe is so mean about these matters even though we can't do much" Taehyung said sadly

"Hyung! let's inform everyone we'll attend the meeting I don't care about the consequences"Jungkook said.

At the Company~

By the time Members got there Meeting was already over All seven wives were coming out of the meeting room wearing their formal uniforms The sight was breathtaking and seven of them froze & amazed at the place that comfidance & workholic spark was on their faces.

Members just saw them passing by as they couldn't interact directly in front of other employees so they went behind them Taehyung passed the security card to Jina(Jimin) so they could enter inside their private meeting room.

Members informed that higher ones as being part of both sides also want to have a meeting with them. 

In the Meeting Room~

 Everyone took their seats at the meeting table wives were sitting on the opposite side, and the tension in the room was very high they could tell that the silence & anger on their faces was just a silence before the storm, they could tell what was happening in the meeting room.

RM- so anyone minds talking?

Naeun- (looked at Ella) Ella.. proceed..

As Ella got up connected her laptop & drive to the projector and she explained the situation to them again.

Ella- *sigh* So.. higher-ups refused to work with Elson, it'll be their final decision and they'll not interact with us until we overcome this situation & double up the sales.

As all members sigh letting go of the breath they have been holding since entering the room.

RM- so what's your decision? Are there any plans you've? what about investors and the shipping process?

Jin- also Importing?

Jess- Everything is going well, we didn't let affect our business

Tae- Oh nice..

Suga- I heard YG also had the contract for Xin Awards what about them?

Rika- They are ok with it as long as we're providing orders.

Jimin- Then what the Fvck is wrong with Hybe, he says while slamming the table as wives flinch at once shockingly looking at him.

JHope-*clears throat*  Watch your language..

JK- Calm down Bro, don't curse.

Kithi- We have got a favor..

RM- there you go! tell us we're ready to do any-

Jina- Threat them that you'll leave the Company..

As everyone choked on thin air.

BTS- what????   *BTS shocked Wives Rocked*

Ella- right!! do this when We're being nice or else we've to bring slush funds of them to the media!!

Seonga- As a vice-lady, I'm totally supporting this.

Rika- Yes, we're holding this meeting in the first place so we can let you know.

Suga- Us leaving the Hybe!! isn't it too much?

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