The Real DRAMA Starts Now!

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              Jungkook stare rolled toward Ella who was busy doing Namjoon's makeup, he was scanning her all over the body as anger was building up on him more she was pissing him off just by her appearance those things kept bothering him and she was hiding something.

               He noticed her leg was suspiciously covered & she was wearing big boots even though it was quite hot there he knew again she was up to something.

Lily- Um.. can you please look this way i can't get the part correctly..(said shyly)

Jk- Just come to this side I'm not willing to move.

As Lily angrily stared at Ella she knew that he wanted to look at her she clinched her fist as she broke the brush in her hand.

Lily-(dramatically) Ahhh.. ouch!! that hurts.. omg ah..

Cici came running & saw her injured palm she was trying her best to get his attention but he was so immersed in Ella.

Cici- Ella Lili hurt her fingers she can't hold anything properly now what ??

Ella- *sigh* disaster!!! disaster!!! what am I supposed to do in this situation this is so.... *deep breath* huh fine I'll handle it please do your work.

Ella looked at Jungkook as he turned his eyes towards nowhere she saw him sitting alone with half makeup & primary clothes (short thin sleeved top & shorts that generally idols wear inn during performances) she knew that she had to do help him to get ready.

Jungkook was satisfied as he smirked Ella came behind him with his clothes in her hand as Taehyung approached her.

Tae-Yo Ella, I want you to fix these diamond pearls in the corner of my eyes please last time you did a great job sorry but I want you !!!

Ella - ok fine stand right in front of me & don't move.

Jungkook was patiently waiting for them to complete as some staff members got in the way with their wardrobe collection, she got pushed resulting in falling on Taehyung who held her till the crowd passed.

Surely something was burning a lot behind them (JK) whose eyes were on Ella & Taehyung. 

Tae- *chuckles* The room is full & busy, isn't it?

Ella- eh? ah ye-Yes (she said while blushing as he gave her a smile)

Finally, she turned to Jungkook & started to finish his makeup again something was burning behind them (Lily) but it was her anger.

Ella did his makeup without making any eye contact with him, she handed over his clothes,

Ella- go and wear these. till she'll leave he grabbed her wrist stopping her,

JK- since you're in charge of me now help me wear-

Ella- It's just pants & shirt it's not-   whatever he still dragged her inside the changing room,

Ella- let me go!! what are you doing!!

JK- you want me to complain about you to the agency? that you're not helping or cooperating with me?

She quietly helped him to get dressed as her cheeks were burning after dressing up she pulled out his jewelry & started fixing them on him, as he pulled her in his arms tightly.

Ella- what the-

JK- This is how you felt when you fell on Him.. she looked up in confusion,

JK- *scoff* wow you're good at pretending! Tae must have felt nice having a woman closer to him like this since he isn't with Seonga, but I've my woman with me why should I leave me a chance right?

Ella- wh-what you mean!!

JK- I mean.. he started unbuttoning her top while pulling her into a rough kiss she kept on resisting but he was too strong for her,

JK-i'll make sure you won't be able to go out and show your face outside.. as he went down to her neck she wasn't enjoying any of it she didn't feel it right, so she tip-toed and bit on his neck as he hissed & smirked ready to attack her but before he could she slipped away & exited the changing room.

She had his clothes in her hand as she put them into the bag & went to his room to collect the rest of his clothes so she could clean them Lily took those pictures & posted them as "Cloth Thief- An Obsessed Makeup Artist" she knew that she had to trap Ella into trouble she was ready to do everything to see her suffer.

Josh's girlfriend visited him at work while they were kissing Lily took their pictures where her face couldn't be seen & she wrote "Office Romance At (company name)" That account was getting attention at the time when the Concert was going on.

By their performance Members lit the stage on fire. The concert went on for several days in the States during its world tour most of the places were in the U-states itself, Members left for the concert which was for four days in two countries some artists had to stay behind for the last concert back in the US this was going to be grand so Ella decided to stay hiring others for the work she there.

Jungkook was completely immersed in the concerts he was too busy to notice that he had a wife. She continued work in the States Josh was with her to help.

One day at dark night Ella got a phone call from an anonymous no.

Ella- Hello?

call- Ella?

Ella- Yes! who's this?

Call- honey you didn't recognize me! I'm your Mom!

Ella- Mom? really? Your voice sounds different.

Mom- Actually i am sick, but why didn't you tell me that you are in the States i wanted to meet you, your dad and i came to Central Park & we found you're on tour.

Ella- what?? really? Mom I would love to meet you when did you come here? I was busy am sorry.

Mom- can we meet now honey?

Ella- now? I was busy Mom- ahh ok let's meet I'm coming to the park!!

Mom- ok come by the lake side we'll be waiting there.

Ella hung up the call & rushed to the park to meet her parents.

Guards- Sorry Ma'am whatever we can't let you in!

Ella- please try to understand my parents are inside they're waiting for me!

Guards- how come?Park is all checked & clear nobody is allowed now!

Ella- But.. we promised to meet there..

After a lot of arguments, Ella left the place in front of the guards only to sneak in the back of them.

She was so happy she ran towards the lake but there was no one she looked around but there was no sign exhausted she sat on the bench nearby.

??- Honey??

Ella- *gasp* MOM? *blackout*

I hope you're doing great <3

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