Quickly glancing to your right to avoid every bit of vulnerability from his eye-piercing stare, you noticed two old women murmuring amongst each other, gossiping on either the past occupant, or their newest occupant. You had a feeling it was the ladder.

"Anyways, I should get moving.." You shifted your foot into the cracked doorway before nudging it open, attempting to squeeze through despite you obviously needing another help of hands.

Though since you declined he wasn't going to help you. If a person desires space, then he won't be so rude as to ignore it and harass you. Crouching down, he finally picked up his pet which happened to energetically pounce on his feet, desperately looking for a playmate.

Finally, you hurdled the last box into your living room and breathed out in a job well done. "Man, I really hate moving..." You grumbled. But, regardless of how much you just wanted to throw yourself onto the only couch in the room- you resisted. Procrastinating won't get you anywhere in the long run!

5 hours later...
>[6:21 PM]<

You weren't completely settled, but you figured a break would do you nicely. You got your room and bathroom set up, so it was enough work for now, i suppose. And so, you moved towards the slider leading out to the short patio branching out from the side of your apartment room- then slid it open so you could step outside. "Oh yeah, this is the life!" You stretched and then leaned over the steel railings, taking a glimpse of the road and sidewalk below.

Looking out into the afternoon city caused you to reflect on that young man you encountered earlier. Sure, there was something strange about this entire situation... Yet that wouldn't prevent you from becoming a good neighbor. "It wouldn't hurt to get to know him, right? I mean he looks like he's around my age." Determined, in less than three minutes you were right in front of the very door you saw that young man chase that dog from. This time, in your right hand you held home-style baked cookies given to you by your parents, held secured in a transparent plastic satchel with sweet designs on it.

Raising your knuckles, you held a lot less hesitation than the first time. With your hues trained on the door, you were going to knock, until-

"Yeah, I'm going to get them. I left it."

On the other side of the door, you could hear a muffled voice closing in faster than you could process. That's when it quickly swung open, to which you staggered back impulsively, heart receiving a bit of a startle in the meantime.

Due to your fright, you slipped the cookies behind your back- not fully able to comprehend why you felt the need to conceal them in the first place. Your eyes awkwardly darted upwards and away from the stranger before you could recognize him, and your lips trembled as you hastily sputtered out. "Oh he-hey, fancy seeing you here! I was.. just walking by, and I thought i should give you these! It's nothing personal, I just felt bad ignoring you earlier. It felt rude, didn't it? You're cute and all, but I felt just weird when you offered to lend your help.. ahaha.." Did you breathe at all during that sentence?

A long round of silence trespassed, embarrassing you even more, thus causing a dust of red to quickly appear against your cheeks. 'Why isn't he responding? I'm too humiliated to look at him, so the least he could do is say something!!!' Your inner lion growled.

"Shiro! Who's that at the door?"

Shouted a voice from within the apartment. Naturally, the second voice finally urged your eyes forward. In front of you was a young man who you thought you were looking for... But instead of bright yellow eyes, you were faced with a pair of steep, red velvets. His expression was notably calm for the time being- yet after that momentary eye contact it notably shifted.. just barely. It was as though he recognized you. He pursed his lips in confusion. "Erm- excuse me..?"

His low, nonchalant voice, gave you a brief feeling of inferiority. It made you weak in the knees and wanting to let out an anxious breath to ease your discomfort. "Sh.."


Before your brain knew it, you uttered his name unconsciously.. legs drawn to a stiff halt like they were bolted to the ground. There was familiarity in the way he looked at you. Just looking at it tricked your brain into reliving false memories with him you were certain never existed in the first place.

You could see his bones rattle the second you uttered his name. His optics dilated onto your very features.. yet he didn't reply. This behavior of his was beginning to make you feel more uncomfortable, and so you desperately wanted to break this thick iceberg.

"Helloo? Didn't you hear me? Why didn't you.." In came the older brother who approached the doorway behind Shiro. His words trailed off as his eyes later fell onto you, wasting no time in breaking the silence with ease. "Oh, hey neighbor! I was just talkin' about you."


Talking about you?

But why?

He beamed up with an genuinely elastic smile, instantly hooking his arm around the youngest who just turned his head away and fiddled with the tips of his bangs timidly. "My little brother here was just dying to get to know you." But that's when he tilted his head. "Oh, what's that behind your back? Is it for me?" Like a fly fox, you barely noticed how he seemed almost cunning in the way he was silently picking your brain apart. Maybe he was already searching for ways to make you tick.

You glanced at the satchel of cookies you were carelessly hiding before shuffling them forward, "Ah- right!" You offered it to them, only Shiro wasn't the one to take it.

"Hey.. you shouldn't have. I should've prepared something for you, now I feel like a complete jerk." Clearly guilty, the oldest inspected the treats with his brother seemingly distant and detached standing beside him. He eyed the welcoming gift himself, and then went right back to being busy avoiding all eye contact with you.

"No, no, don't worry about it. The both of you can just share it!! There's plenty where that came from!" You scratched your cheek, "So uh, twins right? I'm so sorry, I just had no idea.." Believe it or not, you kept sparing a glimpse towards the quiet youngest. Perhaps he was just an introvert.

"Yep. I'm Seiichiro Yuuki. And the one beside me is my brother, Shiro Yuuki." Shiro finally seemed present when his name was said, and so he politely bowed his head in a leisure nod. Knowing that'd be the most you'd get out of his response, Seiichiro elbowed him in his side, leading him to proceed, "It's.. nice to meet you." He ended gently.

Was it only you, or... Were these two standing side by side enough to make you want to curl up in a ball and hide? Forget being handsome- it was the weird uneasiness they were excluding that put you on edge. "Well, I'm [F/N] [L/N]." That's when you smiled subtly and continued, oblivious about the men secretly monitoring the curl of your lips.

"From now on, we'll be neighbors... right?"


There's a STALKER in my attic! [Yandere! Boy X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now