Chapter 16: I just want my Sophie back.

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Louis’s P.O.V.




“Cut! Cut!”

We put our microphones by our sides. We’ve been practicing for our upcoming concert. It’s really hard for me to focus on anything; Sophie left 4 and a half weeks ago.

“Louis you have to sell a smile! People aren’t coming to see you frown and sing!” Our vocal coach says for like the eight time.

“I need a break.” I say putting my microphone to the ground and walking to our dressing room.

I walk into my dressing room and sit down. This was the first rehearsal I’d been to since Sophie left. It wasn’t going so well. I look down at my feet when I here someone come in.

“You can’t be sad forever.” They familiar voice says.

“I can try.” I say looking up at Niall’s face.

“I miss Sophie a lot, but she wouldn’t want us to hang around like this all day and miss her.” He said.

“You’re acting like she’s dead. She’s alive but she doesn’t want anything to do with us! She doesn’t care what we do now SHE HATES US! She hates me.” I say looking back down at my feet.

Niall pats my back and leaves the room.

I put my head in between my hands and stare at the floor. Just a few weeks ago everything was perfect.

 I probably should go back out there but I don’t really want to pretend I’m happy when I’m not.

I get up from my seat and make my way out of the arena. Putting on a hat and glasses I walk to my car.

I had came a little later than the rest of the boys so my car was here.

I got in the car and pulled out.  I started to drive. I don’t know where I’m going, I’m just going to drive.


The car finally ran out of gas in the middle of no where. I look around at my surroundings, there is a two lane street where my car is parked and grass and wheat fields to the left and right. The sun is starting to set and it’s getting chilly. I climb back into my car and sit there and watch the sunset.

“DING DING!” I hear my phone go off.

I pick it up not checking the caller I.D.

“Hello?” I ask.

“Louis it’s me Laykin.” She says.

I forgot to tell her.

I forgot to tell Laykin.

How could I forget.

“Uh yeah what’s up.” I say

“Is Sophie there? Where are you guys she hasn’t been at school and she isn’t answering my texts or tweets or skypes.” She says.

I cringe at each word.

“Sophie’s gone.” I manage to say.

“Wait what. What kind of gone? As in dead gone?” She says sounding worried.

“No, no, no. She went back to the Orphanage.” I say growing quiet.

“You. Didn’t.” She says.

“Laykin I can explain.” I start.

“You gave Sophie back. You’re daughter who loved you more than anything in world and you gave her back? SHE’S MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU DIDN’T TELL ME! Did you even tell her? I bet she hates you know you gave her away like she was just some toy you bought and got bored of! I can’t believe you!” She yells hanging up.

That’s when the tears come back again. I know grown man crying but lately I haven’t felt like a grown man. I just want Sophie back. 



so sorry this sucks.

im updating a longer chapter tomorrow and its amazayyn (: 

it's really hard for me to write as if i'm Louis because I have no idea what is going on in his head! 

Everytime I updated a Louis will be on Saturdays and a Sophie chapter on Sundays! <3 


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