29- I miss you

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"What about if you were to join a couple? You know, become a throuple?" Mikey suggests.

I pull a slight face at the suggestion.

"Thanks, again, for the offer, Mikey, but that's just not for me." I say politely, wondering, not for the first time, how the topic of discussion became my love life.

He shrugs, pouting to himself.

"Just trying to help." He says.

"Maybe he doesn't want your help." Cynthia says nasally.

"He's been single for ages! I just want him to be happy." Mikey argues, using his knitting needles to gesticulate wildly. He uses them more for expression than actual crafting. At this point, it's a health and safety hazard.

"People don't have to be in a romantic relationship to be happy, Mikey." Cynthia lectures.

I glance at Ledger, whose wry smile is discreetly buried in his knitting. His skills have improved vastly over the last few months, and he's currently halfway through a tricky cable knit pattern. He's making a jumper for Everett for Christmas, and I'm honestly impressed with his forethought. He's also chosen an excellent colour, a beautiful blue that my eldest brother will simply adore.

As he meets my eyes I shoot him a grateful smile.

"Hey now. What's all this? Secret smiling?! What do you know?" Katy demands, pointing at us accusingly.

I feel all of their eyes wander to me and I bite my lip.

"Nothing, there's nothing to tell." I say, but I can feel my cheeks heating at the attention, a dead giveaway.

"Have you met someone?" Jane asks quietly as Bean gasps.

"Oh my god?! Are you two finally shagging?" He asks, pointing between me and Ledger.

I sigh heavily as Ledger recoils.

"Gross. I literally live with his brother." Ledger points out.

Bean shrugs.

"Never stopped me before." He reasons.

I grimace at that. Too much information, as usual.

"So, what is it then? Have you met someone, Grey?" Cynthia asks and I purse my lips.

"There is someone." I admit and Jane squeals gently.

"Who are they?" She asks, her crochet completely forgotten and laying limp in her lap.

"He's my local Starbucks barista." I say, a gentle laugh escaping me.

"Oh my god, that's adorable." Katy says.

Ledger laughs.

"Hardly. He's been verbally abusing him for the last two years." He mutters.

"What?!" Jane asks, glancing at me.

"Why?" Katy asks.

"Because he thought he was cute and didn't know how to articulate it." Ledger mutters, making my cheeks glow once again.

"It wasn't like that." I reason, watching Mikey's eyebrow raise.

"It was exactly like that." Ledger counters, clacking his knitting needles sassily and I glare at him.

"And now you're in love?" Katy breathes, Jane visibly grimacing beside her.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" I mumble, my heart suddenly inexplicably heavy.

He never responded to my last text, a week ago, and I am painfully aware of the fact.

The weight of my phone in my pocket mocks me. I know I could text again, or call. Hell, I know where he works, so I could just stop by. But the thought of bothering him, of being on the receiving end of his glare when I've experienced so much more, it's almost unbearable.

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