27- Coming back for more (kisses)

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After my heart to heart with Amyas, he advises that I suck up my pride and talk to the guy that's consuming my thoughts. I hadn't told him who it was, I couldn't. But he hadn't pressed, just like I knew he wouldn't.

So, after receiving that wonderful advice, I naturally avoid Starbucks like the plague for the next week. 

In fact, I do such a good job at avoiding the place and all thoughts of it, that on the following Monday morning when I am running errands in the bitter cold and in desperate need of caffeine, I run right into the place without a second thought.

As soon as the door swings shut behind me, I curse quietly, my heart hammering in my chest.

The lights are soft and dim, welcoming from the cold, bitter darkness of the winter morning. There's no one at the counter and I ponder running out the doors again when I find myself glued in place.

Because from the break room emerges Blue.

He stops when he sees me, his eyes wide and watchful, as though waiting to see what I'll do.

I toss up my options. Running away is definitely an option, but sudden pride fights against it vehemently. The other option is a lot more daunting and I sigh, deciding to hell with it. I might as well face the music.

I run a hand through my hair as I walk up to the counter, my heart racing all the while.

I offer Blue a shy, bashful smile, not expecting much in return. I stop short though, my breath catching in my throat as his lips pull upward, a beautiful, heart stopping smile stretching over his lips, lighting up his eyes like stars in a midnight sky.

My brain falters at the sight in front of me, unsure how to process it. I don't think I've ever seen his real smile before. I know that I've never seen a smile so beautiful, that's for sure.

"The usual?" He asks.

I take an embarrassingly long time to respond.

"Please. Yes, I mean, actually, can I get it large? Venti, I mean. Please?" I ramble, unable to make my mouth function apparently.

He laughs under his breath, nodding. As he turns, he winks at me and my heart stops for real.

What the hell?

I eye the counter suspiciously, wondering if Blue has an identical twin? I take the possibility very seriously, having been fooled by that trick more than once with Walt and West.

He slides my cup towards me, merely shaking his head as I lift the debit card in my hand. This throws me again, my hand dithering mid-air as I stare at him, perplexed.

Perhaps a personality transplant? Is there such a thing?

I glance at the coffee between us, my name printed across the to-go cup in grey marker.

I chew on my bottom lip for a moment, pondering what to say as I glance up. But any words that were on my tongue dissipate when he leans across the counter and kisses me.

It's short and soft, and as he pulls away my hand flies up to his cheek to draw him back because there is no way that I'm even slightly done doing that. He chuckles softly as our lips meet again, moving gently in a soft dance that I can't get enough of.

My heart feels tight in my chest, my head spinning and all I can think is more. Because kissing Rosie, hell, kissing anyone has never felt like this.

When we draw apart, Rex is stood with his hands placed on his hips, looking as though he wants to slap his brother.

"Seriously?" He mutters.

My cheeks heat, looking down at the coffee between us.

I can hear the door opening softly behind me and I panic, glancing back at Blue. I don't want to leave, not even close, for my lips have unfinished business with his. But he's looking at me in the same way I imagine I look at him, like I'm the only thing he can see, and it's doing funny things to my brain.

With a shaky hand, I fish out a fiver from my wallet and steal the pen from the counter.

I print the digits of my phone number onto it, my lips crawling into a smile as I slip it into his tip mug.

I grab my coffee, making the most of those beautiful blue lakes for one more moment before turning to go.

I'm only a minute down the road when I receive a text.

I dig out my phone like a mad-man, my eyes scanning the screen greedily as a painfully happy smile overtakes my face.

+44 7863940591

I don't hate you, I never have.



There it is folks, the moment we've been waiting for. I hope it lives up to expectations, please expect unreal amounts of fluff in the following chaps as I give my colourful boys the moments they've been missing out on :) 

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