40- I can't stand you

657 44 17

Two years later

I scurry towards the knock that's echoing through the flat, my sock clad feet nearly slipping from beneath me multiple times in my excitement. Blue's been gone for two weeks, called out to an emergency welfare case two hours away.

I'm so proud of him that often my heart feels as though it'll burst. The difference that he makes to the lives of children who don't have anyone advocating for them is life changing.

But I also missed him. I missed him a lot.

Ever since he moved in, nearly two years ago, we've never been separated this long and it shows.

I take a tiny breath in an attempt to settle myself before sweeping open the door, unable to control my smile when I spot dark blue hair.

"Hi." I breathe, feeling an absurd excitement in my chest at the sight of him.

His face, which had a scarily blank expression, melts into a hopelessly devoted smile, his eyes softening in the way they do when he looks at me.

"Hi." He parrots back.

I fling my arms around him without a seconds thought, nestling my face into the crook of his neck. He smells familiar, like home, despite the fact that he's been away, and his warmth is something I didn't realise I'd miss so much.

I hear his bag thud against the floor, his arms winding around me and pulling me close.

"Miss me?" He teases, but I just nod.

"You had Jelly with you." He points out, and I glance down towards the black cat rubbing its face against the side of Blue's leg. I'm not the only one who's glad he's home, it seems.

I pull away from Blue, bending down to scoop Jelly up.

"A Jellicle cat is not the same." I say, smiling as I feel his purrs vibrate through his chest.

I step back, allowing Blue into the flat. As soon as he's in, his bags are flung down again. He looks antsy, that same weird expression on his face as he seems to shift awkwardly. Only then do I notice the Starbucks cup that's clutched in his left hand.

"Did you get that for me?" I ask, laughter evident in my voice as Jelly struggles in my arms.

I crouch down, letting him escape as Blue nods.

"Yeah." He says shortly.

He holds it out to me and I take it, a frown gracing my face almost immediately at the weight of it.

"Did you drink it?" I ask, glancing at him.

He shakes his head.

"But it's empty?" I say slowly.

He shifts again, his face looking pale and sort of...sweaty.

"No it's not." He argues.

I want to ask if he's feeling ok, but the stubborn look in his eyes prevents me from doing so. Instead, I shake the cup, feeling the distinct rattle of something inside. I open my mouth, about to ask why he's trying to choke me, when I spot the writing on the brown cup holder.

I peer at it, reading the handwriting I've become so accustomed to.

'I can't stand you.'

I roll my eyes, huffing to myself as I pull it off, peering at the inside.

'But I will kneel.'

"That's a terrible joke." I muse, glancing up at Blue.

But he's no longer there. Instead, he's knelt on the ground, balanced on one single knee.



There's a stupid smile on his face, his head shaking as he laughs under his breath.

"Typical. I'm trying to tell you I want you forever and you're criticising my methods?" He says, his voice even and light, despite the tension in his body.

A somewhat hysterical laugh escapes me, my fingers shaking as I pull off the plastic top of the cup to reveal a shiny band glinting back at me.

"Will you marry me?" Blue says and I glance up, feeling my whole body tremble.

His eyes are so soft, like an enticing ocean that I want to swim in for the rest of my life. And he's offering just that.

My vision blurs as a soft sob escapes my chest. I hadn't anticipated that, and Blue looks a tiny bit concerned. As soon as he moves to try and stand up, I shake my head.

He frowns, glancing down as he misconstrues my actions and I burst into tears for real. He thinks I don't want him. Of all the absurd notions.

"Of course I'll marry you." I say. The words come out choked and near unrecognisable, but he must get the message because now he's smiling like he's just won the lottery.

"Come here, you." He mumbles, standing up and sweeping me into his embrace.

"You're a mess." He says good-humouredly as I clutch his shirt.

I just nod, unable to really feel anything but elated.

"You still want me, so what does that say about you?" I mumble and he laughs.

"That I have good taste." He says, stroking the back of my head.

"I missed you, and you looked weird. And sweaty. Like you were going to break up with me. And then you were proposing instead." I explain, my voice near hysterical.

His lips press against my temple, a gentle laugh escaping him.

"That's what you thought was happening?" He asks and I nod.

"You're Jelly's dad, he'd miss you so much." I sob, peering at our cat who looks suspicious.

"And what about you?" He asks, his arms tightening around me.

I shake my head, nestling back into Blue's chest. It doesn't bare thinking about. He was the future I'd never seen coming, but now that he's mine, I don't know what I'd do without him. He's the only thing I see.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that." He says, fishing the ring out of the cup that is still in my clutches.

He slides the band onto my ring finger, smiling at the snug fit.

"Have you been measuring my fingers in my sleep?" I ask, staring at the ring.

"It was necessary." Blue says firmly and I laugh.

"Creep." I accuse.

I can feel his eyes roll, but I know he'll be smiling.

"Your creep now." He says, pulling away.

He doesn't go far, his lips pressing against mine in a way that promises a lifetime. And I wouldn't settle for anything less.




That's it!
I don't usually like to do the whole 'two years later' thing, but this was sitting in my brain and it was too cute not to write. So there it is.
CC has come to an end and I hope you enjoyed it!

Please do comment and let me know what you thought and what you'd like to see next!  Something different and new? Some old but favourite characters?
I'm going to take a small break, but I'll be back with new stuff really soon :)
Thank you for all of your support, reads and comments, they mean the world.

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