25- Happy Ever Hiatus

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My dream, fairytale ending is shattered by cruel, harsh reality, and for a little while, I feel just like Cinderella. My tutoring with Eric, my new understudy, is a gruelling regime that demands every minute of my spare time and I haven't seen the blue haired boy that has been plaguing my thoughts since that night.

I don't entirely mind though. When I had woken up the next morning, the thumping in my head alerted me to just how drunk I had been, and my hazy memories of the night were evidence that I had made some questionable decisions.

In truth, I'm not sure if I want to face Blue, unsure of just how our relationship will have changed. Do I even want it to have changed? The idea of nothing having changed between us is a little too heartbreaking to bare.

But this is a very rewarding demand on my time, I decide, shoving all thoughts of Blue from my brain as I stare at the young man in front of me, positively beaming in pride. I can feel it running through every part of me, making me feel light as a feather and so bright I could light up the entire night sky.

"That was incredible, Eric!" I say suddenly, standing up.

Eric smiles breathlessly, his own expression shy and tentative.

"Really? Because I thought that I could have..."

I shake my head. We've been in intensive rehearsals for weeks, my social life all but lost to work. I can't even remember the last time I had a moment to duck into my beloved Starbucks, let alone had time enough to see my friends and family, but, right now, I can't find it in me to care because his hard work has made him shine.

"It was perfect." I assure.

"But what about my breathing? I felt like I could have made the transition of keys a bit more natural, and what about my gestures, were they too much?" He asks, panic evident in his voice.

"Your transitions were seamless, your breathing was well timed and this is the theatre. There is no such thing as too much on that stage." I point out.

Eric nods and I smile.

"Maybe we should just do it once more? Run through from the top, just to make sure?" He asks.

I open my arms and tug him into a hug, squeezing him as tight as I can.

"I'm so proud of how hard you've worked. But now you need to rest, because your first show is tonight." I say, pulling back.

I keep my hands on his shoulders, forcing him to meet my steady gaze.

"You are ready. You've been rehearsing for weeks, you know the lines, and if I had any doubts I wouldn't let you stop. You're ready." I insist.

He nods, a little dazed and I smile.

"Will you be there? This evening?" He asks and I pause.

This week is supposed to be my week off. He'll be taking on my role for the week, while I have a much needed break, to get some practice before covering me on my future days off.

"Do you want me there?" I ask.

He nods sheepishly.

"It'll make me feel better, knowing you're there in the wings." He reasons.

I laugh.

"Well, I'd be honoured to watch your debut." I say and he grins, stepping forward and hugging me again.

"Thank you so much, Grey. I couldn't have asked for a better tutor." He mumbles and I pat his back.

"No problem, it was really nothing. You've done all the hard work." I reason.

He scoffs as he pulls away.

"Just because you don't tell me that you're working overtime, doesn't mean I don't know it. You get here before me, and I'm here at 6:30am, and you do all of your shows on top of that. We've been at this for weeks, I don't know when you sleep." He reasons. I shrug, a little embarrassed that he's noticed that.

"I wanted to support you." I reason.

He grins, shaking his head at me.

"When I first started here, everyone told me you were a nice guy, but I thought it was just one of those things that people said." He muses and I feel my cheeks burn.

"I'm not that nice." I mumble. Eric just laughs.

"You're right, nice is a criminal understatement. You're a death away from Sainthood." He teases.

I roll my eyes.

"Come on, let's go and get your costume tried on again. If there are any last minute changes that need to be made, the alteration team needs to know." I say, ignoring his generous compliments by glancing at my last minute to-do list on my phone.

Eric saluts me, that cheeky grin still plastered on his lips.

"Yes, sir."



So, I sort of disappeared there for a bit. Sorry about that.

To make up for it, please enjoy all the chapters I should have been uploading. Happy Sunday :)


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