7- Orchestrated heartbreak

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When Everett arrives at my door with Wyatt in tow, I don't question it. It seems like an odd scheme of Amyas' to check up on Ledger, but I don't mind either way. Wyatt is wonderful company, always seeming to know where to draw the line. When to step back, when to say something, he reads the room and his company with an uncanny accuracy that always seems to put me at ease. 

I imagine that's why Amyas likes him so much.

I settle Everett in my spare room, Wyatt volunteering to take the sofa. I try and insist on him having my bed, but he won't have any of it. They relax for the majority of the day, and I let them, lulling them into a false sense of security.

I keep a careful track of the time, having planned this evening to a T. Our dinner reservations are at 8:30pm, and Ledger's showcase runs from 8pm to 11pm. I glance at the time, noting it's just a few moments off half 7. The time has come to introduce the topic of Ledger's showcase, however, Wyatt, in his way, seems to have read the script, and knows exactly what to say.

"Do you spend a lot of time in Soho, Grey?" He asks and I nod in surprise.

"Yeah, I was up there just the other day actually, looking at Ledger's new showcase." I say casually, smiling surreptitiously when Everett's head lifts.

"Ledger as in Amyas' mate?" Wyatt clarifies and I nod.

"Yeah, he's got a new exhibition going on at the moment." I say.

"Is it...what is it like?" Everett asks tentatively.

"I've heard it's amazing, but I haven't had the chance to properly check it out. I feel terrible." I fib. I feel as though I'm playing another part, just an actor on a stage. I lean into it.

Everett bites his lip, glancing at Wyatt.

"We could go before dinner? I wouldn't mind...checking it out if you wanted to, Grey." He says, his voice tense and restrained.

I pounce upon it.

"Sounds great! Get dressed, we'll leave in fifteen minutes." I say, walking to my room to grab a cap. I smile as I hear Everett scramble to get changed, Wyatt left looking confused in his wake.

I have to force Everett out of the door, unwilling to put up with another second of his preening. He's already spent a painful fifteen minutes in the mirror, fussing over the placement of every strand of hair. The family says I get it from him, but I could only watch in dismay at his fastidiousness. There's no way I'm that bad.

I call a cab, ushering them in before anybody can change their mind. Myself included. We drive in a tense sort of silence, although Wyatt seems completely oblivious to it as he taps away on his phone. The lights of London glide by, the infuriating stop start of traffic something that seems to be inevitable, regardless of the time.

I smile as I spot the signage outside the studio, pride swelling in me once more. As we pull up to the curb, I get out of the car with a determined heart, the smile on my lips feeling nothing but grim. But apparently it's charming enough to persuade the security guard to fetch Sheila.

She totters out wearing an outfit that is altogether too much leopard print, but squeals in her enthusiastic way when she spots me.

"Grey!" She says, her arms wrapping around me.

I feel my smile settle into something a little more authentic as my arms wrap around her torso, her overpowering scent infiltrating all senses.

"Hi Sheila, you look stunning this evening. Are you sure you're not part of the showcase?" I ask, smiling to myself at her laugh.

She pulls away, gently squeezing my arm as Wyatt grunts in disgust beside me.

"Oh stop it. Are you here to see Ledger?" She asks, a little pouty at the prospect of bothering her main attraction.

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