"Let's go" she grabbed blue off the counter put her slids on and grabbed her keys as I followed behind her and we ran outside one the way tot he car we ran into grandma and my aunts. Oh great

"Hey what's going on?" Kelly asked as the were getting closer to us

"Oh my god what happened" auntie Solo semi yelled touching blues head

"Ask your niece" was all Beyoncé said before putting blue in the backseat solo looked at me and I looked down feeling shameful

"Amariana look at me" she demanded I lifted my head and looked at her she saw the sadness in my eyes because her face soften

"What Happened?" She said calmly I shook my head and huffed lowly

"I told her to wait for me to go get the other helmet and all I heard was a engine and her screaming I chased her all the way down the street the break wouldn't break because she did hit the break repeatedly but it wouldn't stop next thing i m ow I was almost hit by a car and then she hit the people fence flying off" I cried "I didn't mean for this to happen" she pulled me into her chest as I cried feeling ashamed

"Can y'all cut the shit and come on" Beyoncé yelled I widen my eyes and pulled away a from solo this is the second time I heard her curse she to sweet and innocent I never would've thought we got into the car and she pulled out taking off to the hospital

"Hold on blue blue mommy's coming"
Bey glanced through the review mirror seeing blue still crying

We pulled I got the hospital and hoped out with Kelly grabbing blue. Grandma grabbed my hand and we all ran into the hospital

"Help my daughter needs help" we rushed into building a few doctors came with a rolling bed and Kelly places blue on it

"What happend ma'am?" A doctor asked flashing the light on blue head

"She fell and hit her head on the street" bey spoke quickly I knew she was nervous because she was rocking side to side and fiddling with her fingers as she spoke

"Ok ma'am we're gonna run some test and see what we can do by the cut she might be needed stitches I'm not sure but I'll keep you updated as of now if you could wait in the eating area" she nodded and kissed blue cheek

"Mommy is right out here baby" blue nodded and they pushed her to the back Beyoncé turned to look at me with a evil glare I was scared as fuck

"She better be alright i promise you" she hissed in my face before storming out I felt my face heat up and tears forming in my eyes I walked to the seats and slowly sat down

"Hey she didn't mean that ok she just has a lot going on and this happened at the wrong time" Kelly spoke softly I shook my head and got up waking out I went to the hall walking tot he door by passing bey

"Where are yo-" she started my I stormed off out the door I needed some fresh air I feel like I'm being choke by the Blame the putting on me I walked a little done the street to sit on the bench

"She didn't mean what she said you know" I looked over and saw grandma standing there I scoffed bitterly and turned my head back facing forward before she came and sat down beside me

" I know you didn't meant what happened but your mother is just scared"

"But it's not my fault I told blue not to love and yet she did she didn't listen" I defended and she noded

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