(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 9

Start from the beginning

I'm gonna pull it, pull it, pull the trigger

The current flows through the web before spreading to every drone connected by a web, short-circuiting it. Resulting in an explosion as Y/n detached his web and pulled out his web wings.

Shoot to thrill, play to kill

With the illusion taken down, Y/n looks over by the catwalk and sees Quentin Beck staring in shock.

Y/n: "There you are~"

Too many women with too many pills

Quentin Beck: "E.D.I.T.H, give some me protection"

E.D.I.T.H.: "Copy"


Before Y/n could make his way over to Quentin, a fleet of drones suddenly changed course and began to open fire at him. 

Y/n: "Finally targeting me, eh? Good, keep it that way"


Using his Spider-sense, Y/n maneuvers through the air, dodging bullets with ease and finesse whilst connecting webs to every passing drone before activating another Venom-amplified Taser web.

E.D.I.T.H: "Secondary Targets located"

Quentin turns to another screen that E.D.I.T.H. displayed, showing Peter and the others running away.

Quentin: "Hello~"

As they continue to make their escape, A drone comes in and destroys a vehicle in their path, stopping them from proceeding further.

Peter: "To the Tower, hurry!"

I'm like evil, I get under your skin
Just like a bomb that's ready to blow

Y/n can be seen skiing across the waters, using a blind E.D.I.T.H drone to propel himself forward whilst continuing to evade a fleet of drones behind him.

Forcefully turning the E.D.I.T.H drone, Y/n heads under the bridge before inconspicuously shooting webs under the bridge.

When the drones turned after Y/n, they found that he was nowhere in sight. That's when Y/n appears above them, pulling back a slingshot made of his webs before shooting the blind drone to the center of the fleet, taking down a large number of drones before zipping back up to the bridge.

I'm gonna take you down
Yeah, down, down, down

Quentin: "There you are~"

Quentin then surrounds Y/n with drones, all aimed directly at him.

Y/n: "Time to test out this new tech"

So, don't you fool around

Y/n then pulled out his iron spider arms and began charging his suit with his Venom energy.

I'm gonna pull it, pull it, pull the trigger

Once his suit is charged, Y/n's iron spider arms emit a streak of orange energy that causes every drone to be destroyed in its wake.

Quentin: "How in the-"

A sudden thud from above startles Quentin as Y/n could be seen continuing to lay waste against the drones with the help of his new spider arms.

Back in the tower, Peter and company were running inside the armory, weaving through different medieval displays as they ran from the drone that had pursued them inside the armory.

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