Jealous | 018

880 23 9

- A U R E L I A -

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gigi luigi 🥸

aurelia what the fuck did you

what do you mean?

rae you completely upset billie
and messed with her feelings

you don't do that flirty shit to a girl
who likes girls and then laugh it off
because you're straight because she
took it seriously

i'm sorry i'll apologize to her

yeah you really should

this isn't like you aurelia

god you're always so fucking worried
about billie, what are you? in love with
her or something?

that's not fair rae

no gianna tell me are you or no?

why does this even matter to you?

you're acting like billie can't be friends
with anyone else and that's not fair to

you don't even know how she's feeling

it's not my fault she likes girls and i don't

so you know?

know what?

ugh you're so fucking confusing

sorry that im trying to figure my shit
out right now like how fucking dare i

don't use that as an excuse because
it's not working

if you're so worried about billie why don't
you go be best friends with her instead?

i can have other friends aurelia

why are you being like this

i'm not talking about this anymore

of course you aren't because you
always avoid everything when you
don't want to admit you're in the

i'm sorry gigi okay

i'm going to bed i love you

i love you too rae

please just apologize to billie

i will

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