Chapter 51

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The party ended well. Dunk's family went back to Arizona because of their work. Joong and Dunk are on leave from their work because of their wedding. It was 6 o'clock in the morning, and Archen woke up early because he is going to meet Earth because of what he said last night.

Earth went to a party last night and saw him talking to Angelique. Angelique always clung to Earth's arms. I don't know if they knew each other before or not. They seem close. Angelique and Earth are so sweet that people may think they are the ones who will get married.

I don't know Earth's plan, he said that I should trust him for everything. I can't focus on Earth and Angelique because there are still a lot of guests from last night. I don't want Dunk to worry about Angelique either, so I'm focusing on him and our family. Before midnight, Earth came to me and bid his goodbye.
"Buddy, it's already late. I need to go. Once again, congratulations to both of you." Earth tapped my shoulder and smiled at Dunk.

"Thanks, buddy," I smiled back at him.

When he was about to leave, Earth looked at me as if he wanted to say something. I understood what Earth wanted; he wanted to talk to me alone. That's why I told Dunk that I would accompany Earth to his car. Dunk nodded and went back to our family's table.

Earth and I were already outside, and Earth spoke first.

"Bud, we need to talk tomorrow. It's very important. Let's meet in the same place near your condo. I already know what Angelique's plans are," Earth whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked, even though I was confused.

Earth smiled at me, but his eyes were looking behind me.
"Just cooperate with me," Earth said. After he said that, I heard some footsteps behind me.

"Hi, Earth. Hi, Chen. Why are you here outside?" It's Angelique.
I faced Angelique and smiled at her.

"Earth already wants to go back home, so I sent him here. He still has work to do tomorrow, so he needs to leave early," I said, looking at Earth.

"How sad, I don't have anyone to talk to. You are the only one who never gets bored of my story," Angelique looked at Earth and smiled sweetly.

"My dear Angelique, I'm sorry that I can't accompany you. I still have work tomorrow. Maybe we could meet some other time," he said.

After Earth said that, Angelique smiled widely and walked towards Earth, clinging to his arms.

Earth looked at me as if he wanted some help. I laughed at my thoughts. I didn't know what was happening to them, but I needed to do something because my friends' faces were not comfortable.

"Angelique, Earth needs to leave, so can you please let him go? You can see him some other time."
Angelique let go of Earth's arms and faced him.

"Don't forget to call me, please," Angelique pleaded.

"Of course, I won't. So can I go now?" Earth waved his hands and walked to his car, driving away quickly. When I was about to walk back inside, she stopped me.
"Chen, can we talk?" She hugged me from behind and put her hands on my waist.

I tried to remove her hand, but I couldn't because of the tightness of her hug.

"What do you want, Angelique?" I said to her.

"Chen? Aren't you jealous?" she asked.

"Jealous of what?" I'm so confused.

"About me and Earth."

"And why would I be?"

"Because you can see that he's interested in me!" She hugged me tighter and tighter.
"Angelique, you are old enough to make decisions. I don't want to interfere in your matters, and also, Earth is my friend. If he wants to pursue you or he's interested in you, then I will support him," I said.

"But Archen, you get jealous before when someone wants to pursue me. You get angry when some guy likes me."

I removed her hug and faced her.

"Angelique, listen carefully. I think you misunderstood everything. I treat you like my own sister. I don't want you to get hurt. I want you to be happy with someone who will love you unconditionally."

"Archen, can't you see that I'm happy when I'm with you?" she was about to cry.

"I love you. I loved you so much..." I stopped on what I was about to say when Angelique hugged me again. I tried to remove her hands from my neck, but it's too tight.

"I know Archen," she said. "Did you hear it, Dunk?"

Angelique let go of her hug, and as I turned to face the person behind me, he spoke before I could.

"Yes, I heard it loud and clear," Dunk said, looking at me intently.
This was the first time I saw Dunk's fierce side. My heart felt like it wanted to explode. I didn't want him to misunderstand what he saw.

"Dunk, I can explain," I said to him.

"You don't need to explain, Archen. I hear and see clearly what is happening," he said and looked at Angelique.

"Dunk, it's not like that!" Dunk looked back at me and stopped me.

"Stop it, Archen. I'm tired."
Dunk faced Angelique again with a smile on his face.

"Are you not tired, Angelique? Are you not tired of doing this?" Dunk folded his arms while talking to Angelique.

"No! Because now I know that Archen loves me. Right, Archen?" She looked at me while smiling.

Dunk looked at me as if he wanted me to stay silent, so I stayed silent. I just stood and looked at him. I'm afraid that he misunderstood what he saw, but I trust him on this.

"Angelique, when will you accept that Archen is not yours? When will you accept that Archen will never be yours?"
I don't want to compete with you for the same guy, but you knew from the beginning that he wasn't yours. So please, just have respect for yourself until Archen still respects you.
Dunk looked at me and held my hands as we walked away from Angelique. We both walked silently until I couldn't stop myself from asking a question.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked him.

He stopped walking and faced me. He smiled at me.

"I trust you, Hon. I know that you only love me and no one else."

I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Hon, more than you love me. Thank you for trusting me." I'm so lucky that I have him now.

He hugged me back tightly and caressed my back.

"I won't allow anyone to ruin our family. They can't ruin what we have now. You and Nathan are the most precious things that happened in my life. And I won't let her ruin you... ruin us," he said while cupping my face.

I held his face as he shook, his heart breaking more with every tear that stained his cheeks. I knew that Dunk is afraid about our future, but he is a strong person. He is a fighter.

"We can do this together, Hon. They can't ruin us both."

He closed his eyes, and that's when I pressed my lips against his.

"My soon-to-be Dunk Natachai Aydin, you deserve my surname, Hon." We both smiled lovingly.

Next chapter tomorrow ❤️🤧
Sorry for the long wait I've just got back to Philippines. I still have jetlag 😅

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