Chapter 24

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"YES! I want to call Grandma, LOLI."Then he excitedly hugged my mom.
You can see on my mom's eyes how shocked and confused she was.

"Joong, can you explain what this is all about? You had a kid? When? How? Care to explain?" I laughed, who would not be shocked if someone brought a kid to your house.

"Mom, he's not my real son. Actually, he is Dunk's son, you know, dunk, right?? I let them stay here for a while because they are still looking for a condo near the airlines."

"Well, how's dunk? Is he okay? Are you two okay?"

"Not now, mom, we still have a lot of things to do first, I think this is not the right time to talk about this. But don't worry, I'm okay. We're both okay."

Mom and Nathan easily got along since Nathan is a talkative but ɑ sweet kid. Nathan is the type of kid who talks a lot.

It's easy for Mama and Nathan to get along with each other since Nathan is a sweet kid. He talks a Lot and is a very nice kid. That's why mom liked him very much. But I don't think I can bear this when he is not around, I don't want to look for him just to hear his voice the moment when he will go together with Dunk.

My mom left already, and Nathan left with Angelique, and I don't know what's happening between them because Nathan is not fond of Angelique. There's some tension between them, but I didn't mind it since Pond is texting and calling me non-stop because of Phuwin and Dunk on their trip.

Dunk's POV (beach)

I want to drink beer, but there is this guy who keeps forcing me not to drink a single amount of beer. I want to forget the jealousy that I am feeling right now. I hate this feeling, I don't have the right to feel this fucking jealousy because at the first place I'm the one who left, I know it's hard but I need to accept that this is the consequences of my action and i will going to suffer from this pain forever, when I saw him smiling, laughing and worried with that women. My heart aches and torn into pieces. Fuck this life, I'm so tired of this pain anymore.

PHUWIN: Please homie, stop crying I don't allow you to drink any alcohol, Its not good for  your health. I know your hurting inside but you have to endure it. It will end soon, homie. You have to be strong and face the reality.

Dunk I'm jealous homie, I'm fucking jealous, but I don't have any rights to demand and tell him what I feel. I know the consequences of my actions the moment I left, and I didn't expect that it would give me so much pain.

I'm ready to let him go to fulfill his dreams without me. I can endure all of the pain and still support him. But, shit! I wasn't prepared to witness how happy he was without me and what is worse is that he is happy with another girl, it literally makes my heart shattered into pieces.

After my operation, I thought I wouldn't feel any love towards him. But I was wrong, my heart still belongs to him and my feelings towards this man haven't changed at all, perhaps blooms even bigger. Why is this happening to me? I've been hurt for so long.

What have I done to deserve this kind of pain? Am I not deserving for a genuine love? I've been questioning myself lately, but I can't think of any answer. All I want is to live and be loved by someone whom I deserve. Is this too much to ask for? I know things might not work according to what we want to be, so let's just accept the reality and be happy for others' success in love and in life. I'll support him, no matter what. And I'll pray that one day, I will find someone who will love me unconditionally and more than the love that I provide.

PHUWIN : Shhh, stop crying homie, you deserve everything in this world.
You are а great and nice friend. All of these challenges that you face right now are just a trial for you to be stronger. Everything happens for a reason. Just be patient, homie. Time will surely come for us to reach our own victory in life. All the mistakes or wrong decisions that we've done before, it will take back into places. Just hold on, and always remember that Nathan and I are always here for you. Nathan needs you more. You must focus on him now. We are proud of you, homie, for all the sacrifices that you've made for Nathan and for all of us. Please be strong. It shall pass soon.

Phuwin POV

Dunk's eyes are swollen because of non-stop crying. I wanted to cry, too, but I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want him to worry about me because I'm his crying shoulder. I am his companion. I only want to show him that whatever happens, I'm here to listen and support him in everything that he wants to do. I want him to be happy, and I don't want to see him in pain cause it pains me more. It makes my heart aches and I can feel his pain, his longing, and his suffering. All the things that happened in the past are painful to both of them, I wish that
everything will go back into the right place. It hurts to lose someone you love. I can't bear it too if something happens like this to me and Pond.

Minutes past, Dunk is quiet staring at the seashore, some of our colleagues asks him to drink but he refused, cause he know, he can't drink. I drink beer but not too much. I need to take care of my dearest friend here. I don't know what's on his mind, that's why I need to look after him. He looked miserable, and he needed someone to be his companion and a friend who can give him advice and support him not just physically but emotionally and mentally.

My Beautiful Disaster Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon