Chapter 19

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Part 43

"Or if you're ashamed to stay free, you can pay a rent too."Pond supports his boyfriend.

"Is it your house, Pond, Phuwin? "Archen asked.

Dunk was afraid that Archen's getting mad, and he decided to stop the couple.

"No, it's okay. I don't wanna impose Joong more. Taking care of Nathan is already much help to me. I don't want to disturb him." he suddenly intervenes.

"Laahhh. Joong is cold-hearted. Look at Dunk. He is tired from going back and forth. And you're not gonna help him?"Pond provoke.

"Ahmm-"Dunk was cut off.

"No! He had already helped me more than he can help."Dunk's immediately said.

"Hey-"Dunk was cut off again.

"You started to help. Why not carry on till the end?"Phuwin provokes Joong.

"Guys, no need to -" argue but again was cut off.

"Why not offer him in your house?"Joong said.


"Hey baby -"he was about to rebuke his son, but again, Dunk was cut off by talking. -_-

"See? Nathan doesn't like your idea."Phuwin tried his best to argue with Joong, and at the same time he's wishing they could succeed.

"What the fudge bar, bro! As if you're a boy and a friend."Pond added.

"Is he a boyfriend, uncle?"Nathan asked curiously.

"Yes - what I mean no, he is a man and a friend of your Papa,"Pond immediately said when he saw Joong and Dunk glared at him.

Phuwin winked at Nathan, and the kid gets what he wanted to say.

Nathan looked at Joong and gave him a pity look.

"Daddy, don't you want us to be with you? I thought you said a while ago at the car that--"

Joong immediately covered his mouth and said. "Okay, okay. You and your Papa are going to stay at my house if he likes."

"Wait, what did you say at the car? Joong don't cover Nathans's mouth and let him continue. "Phuwin is curious about what Nathan is about to say.

But Nathan just smiled cutely and said it was nothing.

Joong and Pond stare, and their eyes are talking.

"Okay, let's pack your things up while we're complete today so that we can help you."Phuwin proposes.

"Yes! Let's goooooo!" Nathan cheerfully hoped. While singing "Me and Papa" with Daddy in the house!" repeatedly.

PondPhuwin and Nathan went straight to the garage, while Joong and the astonished Dunk, who is in a state of shock at what just happened.

"If it's okay with you, you and Nathan can stay at my house. But don't think that I'm doing this for you. It's just that I can't resist Nathan's request."Joong coldly said that it pulled Dunk into a normal condition.
Dunk nodded. "Of course I understand. I'm not gonna decline this because I need to stay near the airline. Thank you Joong, but don't worry I'll still try to find a new house. We won't impose on you for a long time."

As they pack up things of Dunk and Nathan needed and bring them to Joong's house they don't know at that point in time that something will gonna change and it could be or maybe the start of something new.

Everything begins at the beginning after all every day is a chance to
make changes.

Dunk's POV
It's been a week since we moved here at Archen's house, and he's currently at work. He gave me a room to stay in, and Nathan's room is different, too.
I'm happy for Archen for being a successful pilot and for building a house he wanted like what he planned. Sadly, I'm not in the picture when he's achieving what he wanted. Even I wanted to, but the fate is cruel for me.
It's been one week, too, since I kept looking for a house or condo near the airline, but what in the world's happening? I can't find any available houses and condos that make me think that's IMPOSSIBLE!
That made him into a deep thinking. Why is it hard for him to find one house or condo?
I cook a stock food for them and put it in the fridge so that they don't need to cook and just preheat it.

"I'm home."I heard Archen said.
The way he said it was like music in my ears. I felt warmth and fulfilling. If only...

I look at him and smile. "Do you want to eat something before you go to rest?"

"Nah. I'm full, maybe later. What are you doing?"Archen went beside me to wash hands.

"I'm washing the things I used for cooking. By the way, I put the food in the fridge. If you're hungry, just preheat it. It's good for one week,"

"Okay. Thanks---ouch!"he muttered when he bumped his head.

 Thanks---ouch!"he muttered when he bumped his head

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I immediately touch his head and blow it. "Let me get an ice pack," I was about to get some, but he grabbed my elbow and stopped me.

"It's okay. It's just a small bump."he said.

Accidentally, our eyes met, and we stared at each other. I don't know how long it's been, but they only stopped when Nathan greeted them a good morning.

I'm the first one to averted my gaze. And look at Nathan and greet him too. And he said goodbye to his son since he needed to go to work already.

"Be good to Uncle Joong, okay? I'll be back."

Nathan kissed his cheeks and nodded. "I will be a good boy with Daddy Archen. Take care, Papa,"

For real, I still can't believe hearing Nathan calling Archen, Daddy. I guess I have to start getting used to hearing it, since it looks like Nathan is not gonna change his mind.

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