Chapter 29

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"Poor kid. You're not just a bastard but also a stupid," she said mockingly.
"I'm gonna tell Daddy what you said."I heard my son's weak voice say.

Angelique laughed mockingly. "Go on bastard. He is not your daddy because there's no normal family to have 2 dads. You're just adopted, and you're a sin of this world. That's why you don't have a mother."

That made my patience snap. I opened the door, went near Angelique, and gave her a hard push but not enough to let her fall. I immediately covered the ears of my son.

Looking hostile at her. "How could you say that to a kid?" I furiously asked her.

But she rolled her eyes at me and said, "You and your son is a plague that existed in this world. A gay like you should vanish, especially you're tainting Archen. Yes, a gay like you is a plague that keeps lingering with my Archen. "she said angrily.

I straightened my furrowed brows and mockingly looked at her. "My, my. Your true self came out. I thought you'd like a doll in front of Archen. But first, my son is not a bastard. Someone is going to say that if they only have a little bit of brain.

"Second, my sexual orientation or my gender identity doesn't define who I am, and I am not a plague. Yes, I'm part of LGBT but at least I have a good personality. Unlike you, someone who call herself straight but the personality you have is like a rotten egg, it's smelly." I snorted derisively at her.

"P-papa, she ripped my collection," Nathan said and pointed out what was ripped.

"P-papa, she ripped my collection," Nathan said and pointed out what was ripped

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

My heart felt the almost unbearable pain when I saw what it was. It's an old photo of me and Archen.

"Childish. I pity you for having a bad personality. The heck of you to start to quarrel with a child that is not even half of your age." I coldly sneered.

I picked up Nathan and bumped Angelique, but before we could reach the door, Angelique cried and called Archen's name. I looked at her, who's now sitting on the floor.

'Tch, I can see where this is going. '

It did not take long before Archen appeared with a snack in his hand. But immediately ran towards Angelique, worried written on his face.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked her.

Angelique continued crying and shook her head.

"Dunk pushed me hard, making me fall and bump my head at the edge of the bed. I just wanted to play with Nathan," she said in a pity way.

"Dunk? I just told you to bear with Angelique because she's going through something." Archen said. His voice rises a little.

I look at him calmly and answer despite the lump in my throat from holding the unbearable pain and emotions I've been trying to hold ever since I heard Angelique say bad things to my son.

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