The Knight Pt. 2 - The Princess and The Knight

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Requested by midnightcoco807

It had been a week since that trial,  and my stomach is still sore.   His words rang in my ear,  a reminder that we have unfinished business.  Tarhos Kovács, just what sins did you commit?
I shook my head and applied ointment to the wound that has now healed on the surface,  soothing a little of the invisible bruise.   The sound of armour moving had me alert,  but I relaxed upon seeing Tarhos.
His helmet was nowhere to be seen,  and yet he drew closer.  

"Tarhos?  What are you doing?  You're not supposed to be here."   His sad eyes said a lot as he knelt down and gently took my hand in his,   kissing it like a servant to their Royal employer.   Everyone watching was shocked,  just as I was.    "Please,   forgive me of my sin."  I was just above a whisper,  but I heard it clearly.     I use my free hand to cup his scarred cheek,  lifting his head for him to gaze into my eyes.   "You are forgiven Tarhos.  Now come,  let us talk somewhere else."    He kissed my hand once more and stood to follow me.   I brought him over to a secluded section of the woods,   only the moon and stars being our light.   The moon beam hit his armour and the bits of armour on my dress,  making us both glow radiantly.

"Tarhos,  what has gotten into you?   Before last week you lusted for blood,  but now you act so subdued.  I am at a loss."
His eyes moved down to where he plunged his sword.    "I can't bare to hear you scream like that again,  especially by my hands.   I thought that...... That after all these years it would be different... "  his voice became quiet as he neared the end of his sentence.
"All these years?"  My question got a nod in return.   "We've met before,  twice.   The memories are only just becoming more clear."    He led me to a massive rock for me to sit on.    "Will you tell me about it?  My memories are also a little foggy."
"As you wish."

"I was sent to receive a few materials with a few other men.   I remember that I found you being chased by a lone buck."
The memory flashed through my mind,  I laughed at the absurdity only to cringe at the pain in my stomach.   He flinched set his hand exactly where the pain was,  the cold feeling easing the tension.   I let out a content sigh,  relief feeling blissful.
Tarhos kept his hand there as he continued.
"I managed to scare the buck away and tried to talk to you,  but the language barrier was there.  Yet you sat down and listened to my complaints,  even if you couldn't understand me.   The second time we met was during the raid on your kingdom,  I was blinded by rage and didn't realize what I was doing to who.   When I saw the horror in your eyes,  it was enough to wake me up.   I couldn't bring myself to harm you,  so I let you leave.   It might be too bold of me to say especially with what I've done,  but... My heart and loyalty belonged to you the moment I saw you."

My heart began beat at a fast pace.  Feelings from the past came rushing back to me,   including the 'love at first sight' feeling.
I let my hand run through his dark hair,  it was like touching the softest and smoothest of silks.   "I feel the same,  though I'm sure my Father wouldn't be so please."  I joked,  trying to not laugh.   In the blink of an eye he picked me up and sat me in his lap,  burying his face into my neck while keeping his hand on my stomach.    "Why don't we stay like this for a while?"   He nodded at my suggestion,  wrapping his free hand around me as he savoured the moment we were in.
I placed a kiss to the crown of his head and closed my eyes as I felt drowsy,  letting sleep wash over me.

I never knew how fulfilling this would be,  I never want it to change.

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