Legion (Julie) - the obsession

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If you have a request then don't be afraid to request a oneshot
Julie x male reader
Reader pov

I had been  in two trial since being brought here. The trials are brutal and insane! I had already been briefed on what needs to be done. I'm a sports player, fanatic and champ. So the strength, endurance and agility won't be a problem. I exercise each day and succeed in maintaining my build.

I was messing around with Jeff when we both along with Quinten and Felix were being called for a trial. All guys? Nice!

"Y/n, please come here. " Claudette call me over, "Yeah Claudette? " "remember what I told you about obsessions. You'll need to remember for when you become the obsession."
I nodded my head, "don't worry, I remember. " "good, I shall see you when you return." Everything went black after that.


We were in a snowy resort place. Looks cozy. I try to find anyone near by to no avail. Dang it! Is this what shroud of separation is like? I think I'll be fine, I just need to stay positive and find a gen. And to my luck I found one quite fast.

Connect wires, twist knobs..
"What's next, flip switches? god you talk a lot while working." A girls voice cane from somewhere near me. Did I say that out loud? "Yes you did now please shut up." I looked to the source and saw a member of Legion. I've hear Zerina and Yui complaining about them, I didn't think there were girl in the group.

"Sorry, old habits die hard." The usual heart beat rang in my ears, I stopped what I was doing and slowly stood up.
She crossed her arms, "I've never seen you before." I hummed, "I'm relatively new. Only two trial." "You seem very athletic, let's see how far you can run!" She pulled out her knife and tossed it to the wall, just barely missing my head.
I take that as my que to leave.

I jumped through the lodge window near by and ran up the steps. I listen closely for the girl as I hide behind the broken banister. She entered the building, I see her looking around for me. "I didn't get your name." I said while stealthily moving around. "Julie, and you?"
She turned toward the stairs and ran yo them. "Keep running Jockie y/n, cause I can do this all day! " I still kept a low profile as she approached, "I don't doubt that, you seem quite fit yourself."

My foot broke through the old floor board, making a loud noise, I was quick to jump to the first floor. The shock from the Landing ran up my legs, making me have to take a moment before continuing. By the looks of it I'm the obsession, so I need to be careful.

Once I was able to move again I was out if that building in a heartbeat, Julie wasn't far behind or too close. Boy I'm glad I took up sports. We passed Jeff and Quinten, catching their attention. Not once did she waver from chasing me, I managed to lose her twice but got found not long after. It at least gave me a moment to breathe

All the generators were fixed and everyone but me left since Julie is still after me, my stamina is almost gone now and my last option is the hatch. As I was about to jump in I was tackled by Julie. In my exhausted state I didn't bother fighting, I just looked up at her as I breathed heavily. Now that I think about it, she's straddling me and pinning me down.
She held her knife at the ready, but made no move to hurt me.

"Go on then Julie, mori me. "
"Say it again."
"Say what again? "
"My name." I was surprised by her demand but complied anyway.
"Julie" this time almost a whisper.
My hand found her neck and pulled her so that my lips were centimeters from her ear, and I said as soft and quietly as I could,
She sucked in a soft breath. I smirked.
"May I leave now?" She finally stood up an d let me leave.


When I got back to camp Claudette was instantly at me with questions that I quickly answered
"What happened?"
"Were you the obsession?"
"How did you get away"
"Saying her name at her request."
Claudette's questions instantly stopped. "All the details another time, Im exhausted." "Right.. " I then went to my tent and was out like a light.


A week passed and my cockiness increased in trials. Im getting ready for the next trial, I'm I with Jane Dwight and Yui.

I've made up my mind to distract the killer if its Julie, I don't think it will be that hard.
"I'll distract the killer, please don't question my methods." The other three voiced their acknowledgement.

When we were transported into the trial I quickly hid and kept watch for the killer. From where I was I could see the generator Claudette and Dwight were working on. Let's see, pet names for Julie. Princess, Baby, Jules, darling, love, yup I've got enough.

I noticed Julie creeping up on Claudette and Dwight. This was my chance! I moved in and pulled her into the lodge and up the steps to a room. I tossed her knife and pinned her to the wall, earning a gasp. "Hey baby, how's my precious Jules doing? " all this shocked her, "I assume all is well, now tell me Love did I surprise you?" Julie could only nod. "Good, and I'm about to do it again." I lifted her mask to reveal a beautiful girl whos cheks were pink from blush. I gently kissed her, surprising her even more. She kissed back a moment later, clearly liking this. Things went by fast as I had her in bed with me. Yep, exactly what I mean.

Cuddling and getting to know each other.

Note: Suzie next? Let me know of any requests

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