Deathslinger x Nea

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This is apart of the 2 part plague oneshot.
It will be about what happened between Nea and Deathslinger. I know nothing about said killer so bare with me.
I also realized that I got his name wrong in those parts. Just goes to show how often I hear about Deathslinger 😅.
Aslo to those who think Deathslinger being a bit older and nasty, back in the day age didn't matter as much as it does now to many.
It will be in the Narrative pov.
Enjoy 💜


After y/n left Nea was stuck with Deathslinger. A little on the older side, but who cares, no one is escaping the Entity's realm anytime soon. Plus, this wasn't mush of a problem back in Deathslinger's day, so why not.

Nea slowly turned to the killer and looked into his eyes. Their noses were almost touching. Deathslinger said something to Nea, but all she heard was his strong western accent.

She finally snapped out if her thoughts, "what?" Nea asked quitely.
"I said" get tightened the chains that bound Nea to the pillar, "how do ya want me to kill you? Mori or hook."
Nea looked shocked, without thinking 'hook me' slipped from her lips. Deathslinger raised an eyebrow. "I didn't expect an answer that fast." He released Nea and threw her over his shoulder, taking her to the nearest hook. Her scream echoed through the area, Deathslinger just stood there watching her.

"You're an interestin woman, I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about you that intrugues me."

As he walked away she called out to him, "Wait! Why did you ask me?"
"That ain't none of you're concern."
"Well, what can I call you?"

Then he left her there.


Nea sat at the fire wait for y/n.
Y/n returned two hours after Nea did, Nea was quick to question y/n. "What happened?" Nea asked. "Think ancient Greece, flower petals and candles."
Y/n said dreamily. "Wow, must have been amazing. " "It was, but how did it go with you and Deathslinger?" Nea remembered the weird moment.

"Awkward is all I can say, his western accent is rough but..... Hot?" Y/n giggled, "got it. "
"How do I get Caleb to like me?" "Ah, so that's his name. Easy, be yourself. That's what I do, Adiris clearly likes it." Nea nodded, "be myself, ok got it. But what if it doesn't work?"
"Trust me it always does." Y/n assured Nea

"I'll go plan something then." Nea said standing, "I'm rooting for ya!" Y/n cheered.

Nea slipped into her tent and started jotting down ideas. One idea stood out among the rest. "I hope this works."
She got an offering and snuck into the forest near the camp, Nea made a small fire that slowly grew. She took her offering and quietly said "Entity, please take me to Grave if Glenvale."

By some miracle the black mist welcomed her and brought her to exactly where she wanted to be.

It was a western themed area, she went straight for the saloon to figure out the layout. She found the second floor and walked up the steps, she needs to know where everything is so that her plan will work. Nea checked every door of the second floor, most of the rooms were bedrooms. They look like they were decent for the time they came from, so she pick the right room for her plan.

Nea rush back down the stairs and past the bar, she checked every cabinet, drawers, cups silverware plates and bowls, the pantry and booze selection. She checked the lamps and candles. Everything seemed to be in order, now she had to go back to the camp. Nea was planning to execute her plan after Deathslinger's next trial.


When Nea got back to the mini fire she made, Nea made another offering and asked for the saloon to be set up. She asked for the saloon to be restored back to its former glory, a dress for her to wear from that time period, food, fresh alcohol, and for Deathslinger to arrive after she was ready. It was a huge request, but she had an expensive offering, good enough for the Entity to accept.

Now nervously waiting, she sat next to y/n.

"I did it y/n, I'm nervous." Y/n hugged Nea, "Relax, you'll do great."  "I'll be wearing an outfit from the time period Caleb is from, that is a lot if bust lift." Y/n laughed. "You'll be fine. "
"I hope so." Nea looked at her lap.

It felt like hours till the black smoke finally showed itself around Nea's feet. "It's time." Nea's nervousness was very evident. "Good luck Nea." Y/n patted her shoulder.


Once Nea was transported to the saloon she ran into the building and went to the chosen room.

(Author: this is the best I could find, so  bare with me please 😊)

Nea went to the wardrobe and found the outfit she was going to wear.

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"Ok, I'm ready now."
Nea had requested her hair to be longer for this, the Entity thankfully came through, and yes, her hair is still dark.

She quickly went to check if everything else was there and ready, with everything perfect she went over  to the self playing piano and turned it on. Nea lit the lamps and candles. She was finally ready, still nervous, but ready.
Nea went to the back room behind the bar, she already had the food prepared and was now awaiting Caleb the Deathslinger.

A few minutes passed as Caleb was now facing the saloon. Confused, Caleb entered the saloon, intruged by the music. He sat at the bar, admiring the saloon with its evening atmosphere.

Nea walked out from the back room. "Good evening Mr. Caleb, what can I serve you tonight?", Caleb was surprised yet loving this. " What ever is on the menu, and some whisky." "Coming right up.". Nea went to get the food and came back with the meal still hot. "I didn't get your name last we spoke." He said as he watched Nea get a cup ready for the whisky. "My name is Nea." Nea kindly responded. She poured the liquor into the cup and handed it to Caleb.

"Don't think of me being rude when askin, but why are ya doin this?" He asked Nea after he finished eating an a nice conversation with Nea. "Well, Y/n recently told all the survivors that she fell in love with Adiris or Plague. There were some of us who also like killers. And...... Well, I said that I like you." Nea looked down while blushing. "Well, I'm glad my feelings are mutual." He said. Nea looked at him, he likes her! She shyly walk out of the bar and held his much bigger hand, "come."

Nea led Caleb up the steps to the "chosen" room.

Caleb hastily pulled Nea into his chest and lifted her chin, capturing her lips. The kiss was a little rough, yet soft and sweet.

The night was filled with heat, passion, and whisky.

Note: the pictures aren't what I had in mind, but it's the best I could do. I hope you enjoyed. Request are welcome
1220 words

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