The Trickster part 2 - His dove?

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How did I get into this situation.

By exploring beyond the survivor camp.

~ earlier~

"Hey Meg, I'm gonna check out what's beyond the camp. " I call out to my friend. "Wait, is that even possible? " "Dunno, guess we'll find out if and when I return. If I never return please tell Jake he can have my supplies. " I shrugged. "Will do. But let's still hope that you survive. " I gave her a thumbs up. With that I started my adventure with high possibilities of death and pain.

I admit, the forest beyond the camp isn't that bad. That is....... Until I stepped in a crack and got my foot stuck. I tried moving my foot with no luck. I sighed knowing I'd be here for some time.


I've been stuck for what feels like a whole trial, and trials can take time. I'd estimate I've been here about an hour, maybe more. Now the only thing I can think of doing is probably the only way out of this.


I sat, waiting.

A few moments later I heard leaves crunching under someone's feet. I'm kinda scared, it could be a killer and I may be in for more pain. My leg at this point felt numb, and I could tell that there will be cuts and bruises when I'm finally freed.

A figure finally emerged from the trees and bushes, followed by another taller figure.

"My little dove? Is that you? "
I recognized the voice instantly.
"Jiwoon? Thank goodness! I don't know how long I've had my foot stuck, close to an hour I think. "
"This looks pretty bad. " a feminine voice softly said. She held a lantern that had its chain coiled up her arm. The plague.

"Do not fear, we are not here to harm. We are here to help. " The Plague said calmly. "Thank you. " I said as the two killers came closer. Since it was dark The Plague carefully lit her lantern to shed light, it gave a beautiful glow to the surrounding area. "That lantern is very lovely" I kindly complimented the female killer's weapon. "Why thank you, please, call me Adiris. " she replied as she got into position to help Jiwoon dig around. "I like that name, it's pretty. My name is y/n." "It's a pleasure to meet you y/n."

Jiwoon took his coat off so that it was out of the way, now his muscles were out in the open and on display for all to see in the light of the lantern. A very pleasing sight if you ask me.
Adiris used her clawed hands to dig out one side while Jiwoon used his knives on the other. I shut my eyes in fear of accidentally getting nicked or punctured.

A few more minutes of this passed. Soon I was carefully lifted from the hole, I was right In thinking my leg would be wounded. My leg had scratches and bruises all up my calf, not to mention how numb it was.

"We need to take you back to the survivor camp. But first lets fill this crack. " Jiwoon said as he started shoving dirt down the crack with Adiris' help. Jiwoon then proceeded to pick me up after putting his jacket on and carried me back to camp followed by Adiris.

"I'll talk to the survivors, you take her to a tent. " Adiris instructed. When we reached the camp everyone gasped or was simply shocked. "Do not be afraid, I shall tell you what we saw. " after Adiris announced this, Jiwoon went to my tent with my directions. He was gentle when laying me down. "Don't worry my little dove, I'll see if I can find a med kit. " he then left. The feeling in my leg soon returned, and with it the pain. It. Freaking. Hurts! Panicking will only make it worse, so I need to relax.

Claudette came in with a med kit and a soft smile, "hey, how are you doing?" "In pain, but I'll manage" I managed to get out. "The Trickster and Plague are going to be here a while, they wanted to make sure you are all right." Claudette said as she started the healing process. I giggled, who would expect a killer to make sure I'm ok? "That's sweet of them." "Yes it is, quite unexpected really, but I'm not complaining."

Once Claudette was done bandaging my wounded leg, she helped me walk, well, hobble, to the camp fire where everyone was seated.

"How do you feel y/n? " Adiris asked. "Better now the I'm not stuck anymore, but it feels like my leg is on fire"
"I'm sorry about that little dove, sadly we can't stay long. I'll check on ya, mk? " Jiwoon said with a wink and his chipper attitude back. I simply hummed a yes in response while nodding. With a good enough response the killer's bid goodbye to the survivors and went on their way.

"So, are you and Jiwoon. Are you two a thing? " Feng Min asked. "I have no idea, the whole 'little dove' thing happened when they found me."
"I've never thought about a killer and survivor dating." Jake mumbled quietly. "Is it even possible? Would the Entity even allow it?" Meg genuinely wondered.
"I guess we shall see." Laurie said in deep thought.


By now my leg was fully healed and fully functional. I'm now expecting my next trial. It's been two weeks (Entity realm time) since Jiwoon last visited, and I'm depressed and miss him. Anyway, I'm sitting at the fire with everyone else, waiting. The Entity held off on trials a week ago and no one knows why.

After a time of waiting the black mist that we hated not as much as we used to due to our small break, finally surrounded four of us. Laurie, Ash, David and I were about to go on trial. I'm excited to be honest, it's not fun being handicapped.

I got a sacrifice this time, not the normal sacrifice though. I quickly took scissors and ran to the fire, not the normal sacrifice method, and cut my hair. Everyone gasped as I tossed my cut hair into the fire. "It needed a cut anyway." I said as black smoke rose from the fire making the ground tremble, forcing everyone to crouch to keep our footing.

"What in the blazes was that?! " Bill shouted. "I don't know, but I think the Entity was pleased." My hair was now poofy from cutting my hair dry, so when I looked at Bill my hair bounced like a cloud. The mist soon over took my vision, "GOOD LUCK! " I heard Meg's muffled voice at the last second.

The Yamoaka Estate, not a bad choice.
I was spawned in with David, "you ready? " I asked, "always" was his response. "Are you going to be ok? " he asked me, gesturing to my leg, "yep! Just rusty. " "ok, good luck to you my friend" "you too", with that we went seperate ways. I went into the Yamoaka Estate, it didn't take long for me to find a generator.


With two generators done( one of them I did myself), Laurie was already sacrificed.
I was halfway done with the generator when I heard the menacing heart beat, I haven't seen the killer yet, so I have no idea who it is. I stood up and was about to hide when I was pushed up against the wall, not hard enough to hurt me.

The giggle that rung in my ears sent chills down my spine.
" My little dove~ I've missed you so much." His fingers interlocked with mine, causing my cheeks to flush pink. "I missed you too"
"Y/n, let's set our killer survivor differences aside. You captured me heart, mind, body and soul. I can't stand being away from you for too long. "
His hot breath fanned against my neck giving me goosebumps.
"I can't go on any longer with out confessing my undying love for you~
Y/n l/n, my whole existence is yours for the taking. I am completely and un deniably in love with you~"

To say I was surprised would be an understatement. He turned me around to face him.

"If you don't feel the same, then I'll find a way to capture your heart."
I finally built up the courage to speak, "there's no need. " I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, my face at this point was crimson.

Within a blink of an eye his lips were finally connected with mine in sweet yet passionate kiss that sent electricity through me. Sadly air had to exist in this moment, making us stop to breathe. "Does this mean I can call you mine? " Jiwoon asked softly.


"You cut your hair..... I like it. "

We both giggled as the sound of a gate opening was heard

Note: welp, this was the longest chapter I've made. Considering this is just the fifth chapter in total counting my other book.

1515 words

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