The Kinght Pt.1- Chivalry Never Dies

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Request by midnightcoco807

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Another day,  another painful trial.   My delicate fingertips were sore from fixing generators,  so I'm soaking them in cool water to help soothe them.   I sigh in despair,  missing my homeland.   After my home was decimated I had nowhere to go,  everything I knew was gone with me as the last piece of evidence of my Mother and Father's rule.    My Father's Emerald ring sparkled in the light of the campfire,  reminding me of how lively and rambunctious he was before that god forsaken war started.    Tales of the Knight from Babylon brought into Italy reached England back when news of the start of the war began to spread,  I only wish he could have left my kingdom be.  

I took off my armoured boot and set my feet into the water filled bucket,  letting out a breath of relief.   The chatter around helped to distract me from my sad thoughts,  so I listened in.

Ellen:  "He is a menace."  Her groan as she stretched showed exhaustion.
Gabriel:  "The Knight?  I haven't been in a trial with him yet.  How bad is he?"
Ellen:  "He has the ability to set up patrol proxies on routes of his choosing,  not to mention his sword has spiked edges running up the metal."
Gabriel sighed and ruffled his hair in frustration,  "Looks like we'd need Y/n's help to have a good chance."  

I gave a wry smile and spoke for the first time since getting back to camp.  "Well,  my sword is at your service."   They turned to me and quickly came over,  sitting on either side of me as I was sitting on a big log.
"So,  who was it this time for you?"  Ellen asked while tending to a cut on my right palm.   "Pyramid Head.  Not even I can match his strength of sword,  fighting him is like a mouse fighting a cat."  I took the towel I had grabbed and dried my feet,  slipping my boots back on while shaking my head.
I stood,  picking up my sword and walked to the fire to watch the licking flames as I attached it to its rightful place on my hip.
I don't suspect that I'll have another trial soon,  so I might as well get some rest.
I bid my two companions goodbye and found somewhere to sleep.   I held my sword close in case danger were to present itself.

The sound of clinking metal aroused me from my slumber,   alarming me in the process.   I sat up an frantically looked around,  seeing red fog slowly rolling across the ground and a thin veil of it encasing me in a soft cloak.   I tried to blink the sleepiness away while attempting to pull myself out of the hay filled cart I was in.
My eyes landed on a knight walking towards me,  and by the looks of him it's that killer Ellen and Gabriel were talking about.   Another smaller knight started to rush at me,  that must be the proxie.
The proxie's sword hit the cart right where I had just been before I slid off the opposite side.   I drew my blade and steadied me posture,  facing The Knight and his proxie.

He paused for a moment,  giving me enough time to cut off his proxie

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He paused for a moment,  giving me enough time to cut off his proxie.    With him distracted I stumbled as I made a run for it.  Now was not the time to fight him since I'm not fully awake yet.

"Why O Entity must you throw me under like this?"  I mutter while successfully reaching a generator and finding Dwight.
I crouched next to him and stated to help with fixing it.   "Stay on guard Dwight,  I don't think I completely lost him.   You may need to run in a moment."   "Ok."
I was indeed right as we heard then dreaded heartbeat of The Knight.   I stood back up and turned to see The Knight about to strike Dwight,  so I intercepted his with my own blade.   The loud clang of blade meeting blade startled Dwight,  causing him to run.
The sound of metal clashing together filled the air as we duel,  this gave the other survivors a chance.

It went on this way till the gate opened,  yet I stood with no sword in hand as it was now in his grasp.
"You won a fair victory,  so sacrifice me."
I close my eyes and await my doom,  but it never came.   The sound of his weapon being stuck into the ground,  bringing me to look at him as he knelt while taking his helmet off.   His long black hair cascaded over his shoulders,  soon to curtain his face as he bowed his head.
"What are you doing?  You are supposed to slay me now,  you won fair and square."
He shook is head and let his eyes meet with mine.   "What is your name then O Knight?"
"Tarhos Kovács,  your Highness... "
"H-how did you know?"  I stuttered,  surprised he knew.   "Any Knight would know the aura of Royalty."
I nod and continue once he finished.
"And you must the the Knight from Italy and born of Babylon,  the same man who brought ruin upon my kingdom."
He nodded again,  not faltering from my gaze.    "I see.  It seem Chivalry from you is not yet dead,  though I can't say your sense of it is good or bad.  As for you kneeling before I don't know what to make of it,  after all you payed no mind in killing my parents and people."    I picked up my sword that now lay in the dirt and sheath it.
"Some said you went mad,  but I'll pass it as being blind by unknown faith.   I can't happen again to my knowledge,  so stand up and face me properly."

He did as commanded,  towering over me by  a bit.   "Good,   now get it over with."
He was obedient.   In the next moment I felt him impale my stomach,  feeling every prong dig further eliciting a scream of indescribable pain from me.   My vision blurred as his blade was pulled back out,  the last thing I heard before black out was something I didn't expect.

"Forgive me for my sins,  Princess Y/n."

He then dropped me into the hatch.

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