Oni - Beauty In Cultural Difference pt1

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The Trickster's little sister by 10 minutes,  so twins
Shy reader
And over Protective Jiwoon Hak 😙
Request by jordanwhittington3

My community discord in my bio.

Unnie = young female addressing older female
Oppa = young female addressing older male
Dongsaeng = person addressing younger person

This is what you will be wearing,  it's called a Hanbok (Hanboh).   It's a traditional Korean dress.  As decent and close as I could get.   The skirt in the this is light pink fading into a light yellow and the top is pink with dainty yellow flowers.  You are welcome to change it as you please but I'm writing it the way I described lol.   Gomusin are the shoes⬇️

   Gomusin are the shoes⬇️

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Hey... Wake up princess.
Light taps to my cheek woke me up.
The voice didn't sound anything like the Korean dialect.   It was english,  a language my brother and I learned before he went into the music industry.    I opened my eyes and saw an older man dressed in military esque clothing,  surrounding us were other people.   The sky was dark and the area was unfamiliar.    "Where am I?   I don't remember coming here,  I was on my way to a family gathering and blacked out... "
I sat up and looked and my attire,  I was still in my Hanbok and Gomusin.     "You're in the Entities realm,  and there's no escaping.  At least there hasn't been an escape for years.   That getup isn't tactical for what you will be living with from now on.  What's your name youngster?"   "Y-y/n Hak."

"WHAT?!"   A shout came from a near by camp fire,  bringing with it a familiar face.
"Y/n!?"  "Yunjin Unnie?"   Yunjin gave me the biggest hug I've ever gotten from her.
"We have so much to catch up on."  I nodded with a grin on my face.   She introduced me to everyone,  the man who woke me up being William Overbeck aka Bill.   Bill gave me a quick gloss over of what I've been thrown into and what I need to do.
I got so many tips from everyone,  even getting a warning about some abilities.

It's been a day since I've arrived and I watched as each person was called to trial,  almost always coming back exhausted.
I sat by the fire and felt a cold mist around my ankles.   I looked down and saw the black mist for a trial.   Felix,  Jeff,  and Adam were being summoned as well.    The three of them agreed to guide me through the trial the best they could,   also offering to take a few blows for me.    I gave the a thumbs up and watched the cold mist encase me.

Once the darkness left my sight I gawked at the beautiful but broken Japanese style house that stood in front of me.   I heard footsteps coming up behind me and saw Jeff.
"Alrighty,   let's begin."   I gave a curt nod and followed behind him,  picking up my skirt so I wouldn't trip.   Right into the building we went,  finding a generator easily.   I did exactly as Jeff told me while working,  but I messed up when I got scared from a heartbeat that wasn't mine.
"Shit,  get up and run."  He whispered and ushered me away.  So I did.   I ran as fast as my feet could carry me,  but the heartbeat didn't disappear.    A man giggled behind me in hot pursuit,   so I slam down the pallet I passed and turned to see who was chasing me.

I felt my heart rip in two,  repair and rip all over again.   He stopped running and dropped his bat,  sadness drowning his features as he frowned and teared up.
"J-jiwoon Oppa?"
"No.... No!"   He fell to his knees as he looked at the sky,  "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!   SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS!"   Jiwoon's broken screams echoed in the open air.
"She doesn't deserve this.." Once his voice got quieter I knelt down before him and held my brother's trembling hand with both of mine.    He finally gazed into my eyes and spoke to me.   "Y/n,   this is not how I wanted us to reunite."   "Oppa-"   "Don't call me Oppa anymore,  I don't deserve that honor for what I've done."    "Brother,  you disappeared 3 years ago along with Yunjin.  I'm just glad you two are ok.   Although your methods for music making were snuffed out."   "Oh Y/n,  you don't have to worry about me harming you.  I could never.   Everyone else though I definitely care less."   He sighed as I wiped his tears away.   "Go now,  or else the Entity wont be happy."

After that encounter Jiwoon decided we should meet in the woods away from the camps.    His welcoming hug was warm.
"So the killers are that intrigued?"   "Well yeah,  not many can make me as sane as you my sweet Dongsaeng."   A bush rustling paused our conversation as Jiwoon held his bat and pulled me behind him.    As big strong demon like killer came into view,  he looks like a samurai I think.    "What do you want Oni."   Oni just stated at me,  not in a scary way.  I was nervous anyway and hid behind my brother's back.   Oni's heavy footsteps soon became distant.
"Well,  that was interesting."  After I said that I laughed and bid Jiwoon a see you later

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