The Trickster- The fan

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Credit to the artist 💜

*as of 12/18/23 the picture I had originally had some how vanished,  which wattpad tends to stupidly do.  I'm putting up another picture which probably isn't what I had originally.*

Being new to the Entity's sick games means I have a lot of learning on my plate. With having to fix generators (which takes forever), to looping, palettes, distracting, totem cleaning and so on. It's insane.

I was sitting at the fire of the survivor camp, Meg came over and sat with me. "Hi y/n" "Hey Meg. "
Meg was instantly my friend when I got into the Entity's realm, she along with some others have been teaching me the ropes. "I've heard that there is a new killer, Ace said that he is crazy! " Meg told me, nervous for when she meets this crazy killer. "Wow, in a scale of 1 to 10 how bad" I asked. "I think 8 to 10" I cringe at her answer.
"Way off topic just to lighten the mood, Favorite music? "

Black fog sat at my feet as we were about to start chatting about my favorite music. "Are you ready y/n? " "am I ever? " she laughed, "you got this". And with that I lost sight of her through the black fog.


Through the trail so far I've seen Dwight and Nea both on a generator. So I went to go find a generator to work on, and with luck I found one. I had just enough practice to actually fix a generator, I think at least.

I was quietly humming a song I heard online before I teleported to this realm. I couldn't understand what the artist sang since it wasn't a language I knew. But hey, it was catching and had a great beat.

Right as I was about to finish the generator I heard a scream, Bill just got hooked. I'm going to be a good teammate and try to help him. So now here I am following Bill's glowing figure, but before I could reach close enough I could hear the heart beat. I quickly hid and saw a very hot man clad in a very bright yellow jacket and purple hair.

The man looked up at Bill with a look if insanity, I got goosebumps just looking at him. " I've got more knives now, let's see, where can I-" on impulse I took a rock an threw it toward a nearby structure, hoping the man would fall for my distraction.

Like magic he turned to where the rock hit and went to find what it was. Once I knew he was gone I quickly ran to Bill and pulled him off the hook. "Good job l/n, let's hide so you can heal me. " "right."

We walked further away from the hook where I started patching up Bill,
When I finished Bill thanked me and went on his way. The generator that Dwight and Nia were working on turn on, that should give me time to finish the one I was working on.

With that in mind I ran back the way I came. I managed to finish and walk away, but Im nervous about the killer. Who is he?

Before I could ponder on that question long a colorful knife pinned my shirt to a tree. I quickly glance at where it came from and saw glowing yellow eyes looking straight at me. Like a predator with prey he stalked closer and closer till his face was inches from me.

The realization hit me like a punch to the face, this man is JiWoon Hak! The Trickster! One of the most popular kpop idols in the world! And my favorite artist. But how?!

My lips parted slightly in shock. "Such a pretty face, too bad I might sacrifice you. " his giggle rang in my ears, they were as musical as his songs. My lips, tongue and confidence failed me as I tried to speak. "J-Jiwoon? " that word alone made him shocked and happy. "I have a fan here! THANK YOU ENTITY! " he yelled to the sky. "Come my little fan, it's time to sacrifice you" he sang and winked at me making me blush. He then took his knife back and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me to a hook. He hummed the same song I hummed earlier, it was one of my favorites.

In a split second I was hooked. I let out a scream from the pain that was excruciating. "That was beautiful! I wonder what other sounds you can make~" he blew a kiss at me and left me there alone. I was on the hook for too long, so when Bill came to unhook me it was too late. He wasn't the only one watching though, I could feel The Trickster watching as I was sacrificed.

I hope I meet him again.


Back a base camp I sat with Claudette waiting for Dwight Nea and Bill.

"How did it go? " Meg asked as she sat next to me. "I almost finished a generator on my own. And as it turns out the new killer was one of my favorite music artists. JiWoon Hak, stage name The Trickster. He was an amazing kpop idol. "

"Interesting" Claudette responded.

'I wouldn't mind being sacrificed by him again' I thought to myself.

Note: Should I do a part two?

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