The Trickster - Holiday Special

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Trickster x female reader
This is cannon to the other Jiwoon oneshots
Reader pov

Cristmas Mistletoe

YEEEAAAH BABY!" Meg and I practically screamed. It was Christmas time in the Entity's ream, and my very first Christmas with my boyfriend. We danced around the fire while giggling, sadly my boyfriend was in a trial right now so I have to wait.

As I was in the middle of singing and dancing White Christmas with Meg, I was swept off my feet and spun around. I could smell his cologne, so it was easy to figure out who it was.
"My dove! Merry Christmas!" Jiwoon said gaily. "Merry Christmas Jiwoon!" I said hugging his neck.

Meg giggled at the scene unfolding, "I'll leave you two alone." She waved and left.

"Our first Christmas together! I'm practically bathing in excitement!" Jiwoon said as he set me down to properly hug me. "I've already got you a present, but that will wait for later."
"Ok!" "Come, dance with me my little dove." He took my hand in his as we started to dance to him humming.
"Come on Jiwoon, we both know your dancing is way better than mine ever will be." I said laughing. "Don't say that y/n, we have an eternity to practice. And your dancing is wonderful!" He spun me around after saying that making me giggle. "Let us spend the evening with happiness and laughing. With some gifts on the side~" he winked and twirled us around.

"Let us be off!" He picked me up again and ran to the direction of the lake.
"Don't you dare Jiwoon!"
He laughed and jumped into the lake with me. When we surfaced he held out a box. "Your present m'lady."
I giggled as I opened the box, "MISTLETOE?!"
"Mistletoe!" Jiwoon said as he smiled and held the little bundle above our heads. "Welcome to kiss the Kpop idol, you wanna have a go at this handsome face?" Jiwoon said and puckered his lips. While still in the lake I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "You dork." I said chuckling at his antics. "Your dork~" he kissed me and brought me out of the water.

"So was that my gift?" I asked amused.
"Yes and no, that's for you to hang in your tent, so that when I come over we can have a make out session." He said and winked at the end. I blushed and lightly pushed him making him chuckle.

Jiwoon brought me to his tent at the killer camp, I gave Adiris a quick wave and got one in return before being brought into said tent. Jiwoon sat me on his lap and handed me a red, green and gold gift box. I opened it and found a necklace, but the charm on it was one of Jiwoon's knives, just sheathed. (Think of shark tooth necklaces and that's what it looks like, just without the usual handle on the knife.) "Thank you Jiwoon!" I hugged him before putting the necklace on, the knife glittered in the lantern/candle light. "Anything for you y/n." He flashed a finger heart and kissed my cheek.

I brought out a small gift box of my own and gave it to him. He opened it to find an intricate drawing of him.
He was in awe, "I love it!" He leand in and kissed me, just seeing Jiwoon this happy makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

The rest of the evening was spent with cuddles and kisses. I wouldn't trade this night for anything.

Note: short but sweet💜 till the next part my Jelly Beans!

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