✧༻Part 17༺✧

Start from the beginning

He nodded his head slowly but still continued to challenge me "Than again why were you saying please don't shoot me? And yelling I'm not looking at you? "

I mustard up my fake chirpy voice "Dad I am standing outside out our multi- million-dollar Mansion. I was scared you were a robber." I said in a duh tone of voice

My dad looked at me for a couple seconds and gave a chuckle.

The butler opened my dad's door "We here" the butler said. My dad gave him a slow head nod. We both exited the car in silence. My dad held the front, the door open for me to get out.

As I was walking through the front, I turned around to look at him "want to drink hot chocolate dad?"

"Yeah sure? but the chef isn't here?" My dad was rubbing his chin when he said that. I froze in my tracks and looked at him while tilting my head "look at your fake bougee self." I crossed my arms in front  and chest blocking his pathway

"What?" he said in a fake innocent voice

"You from the south side of  Aramoor." My dad  mouth curved into a smile " from the trenches of Aramoor." My dad threw his head back in laughter. "like the hood of Aramoor."

My dad cut me of and busted out laughing " Please stop. Not trenches" he mumbled to himself while walking towards the kitchen. And I followed him to the kitchen.

He was standing by the kettle and he was placing marshmallows in cups. He added the water. He passed me my cup. My dad presented me my cup while saying "Ta-da."

I took the cup. And we sat on the kitchen island. I took a long slurp of my hot chocolate.

"Yummy not too bad for Mr-let-me-get-a-chef-to-make-me-hot-chocolate.." I busted out laughing

"I worked extremely hard for everything that I got. I came from nothing just so you and your mom can live this luxurious life. While maybe you more than your mom. Your grandfather comes from money"

I reached my hand across the table its " I get It dad. I'm really proud you."

A question popped in my head "Dad you why you got that fake British accent."

I dad took a deep sigh " I don't fake my British accent. My wife that I'm married too over six years is British. My butler is British he has worked for me for years, is British. So, I sometimes it slips in and out..." he took a long sip of his hot chocolate "it" as  he finished off his sentence

My dad started to rub his head " I had a long meeting, today. Its going to continue tomorrow."

I took another sip  "What was the meeting about?"

"We selling the state own hospital to a private entity" my dad stood up and placed the cup  in the sink . "I know you like planning thing so maybe you can start planning the announcement party."

I clapped my hands "that's great I have to think of a it .But why we selling the hospital?"

"Well, the town doesn't really get allocated a large sum money. And I have been putting up a lot of my own money." He rinsed his  cup. "We still trying to recover from that flood that happened early this year."

He walked towards the cupboard. I took out whisky and took a long swing of it.

"Dang! dad you stressed" I took the last sip of my hot chocolate

"You have no idea? This town is a sinking ship. There are so many holes I need to plug in." He took another swig of it.

"I'm in the office. Good night" He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked out with the bottle.

"Dad you need to rest!" I yelled behind him "good night."

Then I was left in a brightly lit room. Surrounded by the darkness. I felt like a bird in a gilded cage. Cause even though I'm lone. It felt like  I was being absorbed by the Fortune Teller's eyes. At all times.


I spent the whole weekend at home. I didn't talk to anybody, not Branson or Violet. I looked watch at 6:00am Monday.

My blankets are hugging my body tightly. I really  want to stand up and leave. Than doors swung open as if it was the Grand Canyon. I lifted my head from the blankets. To look at the door.

Then I threw my head back. On my pillow, when I saw who it was "wake up! We have to leave!" Violet flew through the door.

I covered my face with the blankets. "

"Wake up. It's Monday." She started to jump on the bed.

" What you are doing over here I thought you were ignoring me!" I yelled under my blankets.

She just jumped harder on the bed " It was the weekend, I spent it sleeping. It's Monday morning YOU coming to school."

"NOOOO!" I yelled again from the bottom of my blankets.

She dropped down on her knees on my bed " Sydney you need t go back to school its's not good to isolate yourself."

My head was still under the blankets "oh so the police don't get suspicious right." I scoffed

"No, your mental health. I know it's hard you need to keep pushing." I felt violet lay down beside me.

I just laid under my blankets not saying a word

"I know you going through it because I called your salon, and you haven't booked any nail or hair  appointments." Violet continued to cooed.

I stayed silent for a few minutes.

I felt Violet jumped off the bed "Fine. Then don't go you can lay there and mope about stuff you can't change. " I took a breath because I felt a violet speech. On the way

"You know it ...." Violet stopped talking." You need to show up cause Davis is asking about you?"

"Davis don't care about me." I yelled from under my blankets

"What do you mean. Did your guys chat go sideways." I heard pure confusion in her voice.

I rolled my eyes under the covers. "You got no idea."

Then I heard Violet's phone buzz

Then she said "Hello." In a confused tone of voice. I peeked, Out my blankets. Did my staff enter the room? But she was only on the phone

"Yes, that's me" She continued. Her face changes

"At 8 am. I will be there" she ended the call and looked at me. She looked so cool, calm, and collected. She was so confident. I wonder who she was  talking about.

She cleared her throat. "The police want to talk to me."


Author's notes

This chapter followed like water. So good. PLEASE SHARE YOUR  THOUGHTS.

What do you think they will ask violet?

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