Chapter 40: The Calm Before the Storm

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"Leksi, may I have a word?"

I did not like her tone. It was weak. It was quiet.

I swear if the king laid another finger on her, I swear...

"What's the matter, Genya?"

"The King requests an audience."

"But the Darkling..."

"With you."

"With me?"

She nodded.

"What for?

"I don't..."

"Does the Darkling know about this?"


So, no.

"Should I go then?"

How would he react if he found out? I suppose he didn't have to...

"Leksi, you can't say no to the king."

I nodded, acknowledging her statement. She was right, after all. He was still king.

"Lead the way."

"Ah, Leksi I believe. How wonderful to have you join me."

"Moi Tsar," I greeted.

It was so unnerving not seeing the Darkling on the throne. It was hard to believe there was a time when Grisha did not rule. That I was living in it. Bizarre.

"My dear, you must wonder why I've summoned you here. I am sure you have plenty to attend to as one of the Darkling's favoured Grisha, so I will not keep you here too long."

"Does the Darkling know about my presence here?"

He paused. Something was off.

"He will in time. But I thought I would run this by you first, considering..."

"Considering what, your majesty?"

"It would do you some good to not interrupt your king."

I swore he muttered grisha scum, but I could not fully make out his last words.

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