Chapter 8: Alone, But Never Lonely

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"I think it's time you tell me your story."

Not today, old man. Not today.

"What's there to tell?"

Surprise flashed across his features, quickly changing into something that resembled amusement.

He liked our little dynamic.

I had realised that I could get away with more than I thought here. The Darkling wasn't my tsar yet. And he didn't seem to mind my lack of respect. I couldn't help but think... maybe he didn't want fearful reverence from me? But why, though?

"Alright, Leksi. Let's start with the void. What happened there?"

"I don't know what to tell you, sir."

"Are you saying my Grisha lie to me?"

He wasn't mad per se, but I felt like I was being assessed. Tested.

"No, sir, I just genuinely don't remember."

"I don't believe you."

"Well, I can't control that, General."

His eyebrows quirked as if he was not expecting my answer. But there was something else underlying that surprise.


He continued with his investigation.

"You said you didn't know where the shadows came from, yet your training with Baghra would prove otherwise."

He didn't let me interject. All I could do was let him play Sherlock.

"If you really didn't know you had your gift, how could you summon shadows so easily with her?"

He didn't seem to know of my light. That was something.

But I would have to be more careful from now on.

"I'd advise you not to lie to me, Miss Starkov."

"Wouldn't dream of it, shadow man."

Oh my gosh! Did I just commit to saying that out loud?

If I had had this conversation with anyone else, it might have even been fun. But all I felt was fear. When I returned the shadow man's gaze, I wasn't met with piercing anger or his signature coldness. I was greeted with playful eyes... eyes that belonged to a smile.

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