Chapter 38: Two Faces Of The Same Coin

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I am an abomination.

I hated those words. I had told myself those words many times. I could not bear to hear them again. But this was not my voice.

I knew who that voice belonged to.



Very few things unsettled me. This was one of those things.

Before me was my everything.


And those words from her mouth were much more painful.

"I never want to hear those words again," I warned her.

She smiled.

"What happened to privacy?" she quipped.

"You'll get some with a more positive mindset," I responded.


"Then what am I?"

I did not like what I was hearing.

"You know who you are."

"Do I? I think my little light show proved otherwise."

"You are special, you are grisha."

"That was no small science. That was a..."

No. I would not let her say that saints forsaken word again.

"You come from a special line of grisha, milaya," I assured her, " One of a kind, it was only natural..."

She cut me off. I was still getting used to that.

"Natural? Natural?" she boomed, "Nothing about this is natural!"

She held a ball of light in one hand, and shadows in the other. There was a fight between the two, I noticed.

"Milaya," I began.

I watched in agony as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Ilya did this to us," she explained, "This is his fault. He messed with the forbidden and damned us to a life of unbearable eternity."

I let her continue.

"It was his perversion that led to Baghra, and now us. I hate him!" she was yelling now. "I hate him!"

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