Chapter 26: You Are Not Alone, Not Anymore

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Why was I being shown this?

I didn't understand. These visions... they were all becoming more overwhelming. Bring on the hyperventilating. My heart rate was accelerating as if a heartrender on parem was responsible for it. I could feel my breathing become more hitched, uncontrolled. My thoughts were forming at a rate faster than I could process. I just needed to talk to someone... someone who could understand.

The golden cord. It had been a very long time...

I was met by young yet concerned eyes.



One word, but the question was much more.

"Mother? Mother... I"

Before I could say anything more, she curled up next to me. Her arm arched over me, pulling me in closer.

"I'm coming."

The connection broke immediately. I swear I heard a snap as it broke off, but perhaps my mind was playing tricks on me. Soon enough, I heard the door creak open, and in came Mother with two cups of hot chocolate. I smiled - I supposed some things don't change. She placed one of the cups in my still trembling hands and watched as I slurped the chocolatey goodness in nervous gulps. At one point, she even reached out to remove a strain of hair from my eyes.

Once I finished, she took the cup and gave me a small smile.

"Feeling better, my sweet?"

I nodded like a too-timid toddler.

She joined me on the bed, taking the same position and placing her arm over me - the same way she did through the connection. This time she stroked my hair and kissed the back of my head. I relaxed in her hold, letting her comfort me until I felt my breathing slow down.

"So, milaya, do you want to talk about what happened?"

"Nothing bad, I just... I... I keep having these visions that keep bombarding my thoughts. It's just too much sometimes, Mother."

She listened as I vented, continuing to stroke my hair.

"What did you see this time?" she asked.

I paused. What could I say? The truth, I guess.

"I saw how you and Father decided to have us - Alistair and me."

This caused her to tense up.

"I see. How far in the future is that?"

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