Chapter 30: Till Infinity Runs Out

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"Mother, where are you?"

Where was she? I thought she didn't have training today.

How strange.

"Mother?" I tried again.

Alas, there was no response.

But I found something.

Something concerning.

Dear Journal,

This is all too much for me.

Don't get me wrong - I love my new life at the Little Palace. A bed to sleep on - my own room! There is actual food on our table - herring, but I'd still take that over stale bread and half-eaten... doesn't matter.

It's just that it's so much pressure.

Oh, mother. I had no idea.

I became Grisha overnight - and I just had to be the mythical sun summoner of lore. Why couldn't I just be a cartographer? Countless Ravkans are relying on me - an orphan girl from Keramzin. It's too much. Ivan says I should be training every waking moment.

Son of a... never mind.

But how can I? Don't they see I breathe the same air as they do? Don't they see we bleed the same blood? The same sweat, same tears.

Don't they see I am human too?

I am no Saint.

I could feel my eyes brimming with unshed tears. If she wouldn't let them fall, I wouldn't.

And then there is the Darkling. I don't know what to make of him. I don't know whether to trust him.

Yes, he does have that effect on people.

He's surprisingly patient with me. Understanding. I know he is trying to help, but there is still pressure there. Especially now knowing I have... I have... Saints, it still gets me every time.

I feel like I have to catch up on centuries of experience. Even though I know how this future ends, how do I catch up? How can I be the partner to someone, and support someone with so much life experience? How can I understand his pain, his suffering? How can I lead a people I'm only beginning to understand? I'm still a child in the grand scheme of things. It's a very unique situation indeed.

And then there is Mal. A doomed first love that I will have to bury. A love I will have to put to rest. I can't bear it. I can't...

The rest of that was smudged. My heart clenched at that. Death was always inevitable. It will sting, Mother.

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