Chapter 34: You'll Never Walk Alone

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"Do you ever think about when we send her home?"

"What do you mean, Aleksander?"

He liked it when they were alone together. Something was soothing about Alina's presence - a sense of peace he felt only with her - aside from Leksi.

But this was slightly different.

In all his life, he had never truly felt this with anyone. It was like he could hear her thoughts. And for once, someone could hear his in return. She didn't have to speak, yet he could feel his thoughts align. A peace of mind only she could bring him. With her, he was safe in eternity. Every moment alone with her, he had etched into his head. He could still remember those precious words. Words that actually meant something from her.

"You are not alone anymore, Aleksander."

He remembered as they held Leksi together the night she had those nightmares. The way she leaned her forehead against his. That's when he felt it for the first time. That peace of mind. It was not addicting or passionate. It wasn't wild or thrilling. It was just what he needed. And that's when he realised something. He was at home. He felt


He frowned.

"Not Aleks anymore?"

She chuckled, a quiet sound.

He liked it when she called him that. His mother had never bothered with nicknames. It wasn't safe, of course. While on the run, their identities were changing constantly. He could never be just Aleksander. It was the curse of their fate.

She might not be the Queen of Ravka (not yet, anyway), but she was his queen. She always would be, no matter what happened. But she was also his sunshine.

And his sunshine had given him this precious gift.


He was the future Tsar of Ravka and the Shadow Summoner. The Father of the most powerful Grisha and her Aleks.

It was not something he would give up easily.

"Aleksander," she tried again.

"Sorry?" he shrugged, "I don't know an Aleksander."

This time, the Sun Queen laughed a hearty sound.

And Aleksander lived for it. For him, it was a melody that could brighten his day in a second. She moved forward to embrace him, and he welcomed her with open arms. And now both of them were smiling like idiots. Alina began to move back, but he tightened his hold, making her giggle even more.

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