Chapter 28: Spill The Tea

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I ducked under the covers, praying that if I didn't say anything, perhaps they would go away.

I really could never catch a break.


Auburn locks.


"Are you hiding under the covers?"

I poked my head out, getting a full view of the redhead.

"No," I responded sheepishly.

"Is that how you treat your friends?"

"I don't have friends."


Ugh, rude.

"Oh, come now. Don't be like that. We have much to catch up on."

"Nothing you don't already know."

"I suppose. But the sun summoner..."


"She's not what I expected."

"How so?"

"She's... refreshing.

"In what sense?"


"Speechless, are we?" I smirked.

"She's so down to earth, kind... she'd make a good queen. Unlike that old bat..."

"Queen? What makes you think..."

The doors burst open. Saints, that seemed to be a habit around here.


"Milay... Genya!" Mother beamed.


They embraced like two long-lost friends.

"Uh... hello?"

"Not everything is about you," they answered in unison.

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