Chapter 39: The Heart of His Storm

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Moi Sol

It was the voice again.

Moi Sol, please.


No sign.

Moi Sol. I need you. Brighten my day.

Alina was not sure what to make of this, but if this was for Aleksander, she would help.

"What can I do for you?"

Call my sun, Alina. Please.

The beg of the please ached Alina's heart. For some reason, this felt personal. Like it was her pain. All she wanted was... she felt something rise within her.

My shadows. What is this pain that burns within you?

Alina was in awe of the conversation taking place. Aleksander would have been fascinated. Where was he?

Moi Sol, you are here. My burden has already lessened. Your presence brightens me.

Why did you call?

Dwell with me.

Immediately, a picture rose to Alina's mind. She was in the palace gardens. It was peaceful, but there was a mournfulness to the plants' movements. The skies were grey. And that was when she saw him. Aleksander. He was alone. He was in pain. She could feel it. His shadows were calling to her because of him. His soul needed hers.

Dwell with me.

This time, it was Aleksander's voice.

"Come to me, my Alina."

So she went to him.

She found him just as she saw him in the vision. Alone, exhausted, burned out. It was so unlike him. It unnerved her. But this was not about her. She took her place next to him, not saying a word. And it was enough. The gardens were still peaceful, but there was no longer a heaviness in the air. They waited in silence for a while, resting in the tranquillity of each other's company.

It was enough.

And it soothed the shadows.

Aleksander broke the silence.


She turned to face him, but he continued to look ahead. She noted the contemplative look on his face. Something he had been holding onto for a while was coming to the surface she realised.

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