Chapter 15: This is weird.

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Aarohi's pov (Again ;))

"I am perfectly capable of walking on my own."

I withdrew my hand from his and reached for my phone, now displaying 9:32 am. Grabbing the key card, I went back to get an extra bindi and dashed out, holding my bindi and phone. I locked my door, took his hand, and then ran to the elevators of the floor.

We stood in front of the elevators, which were stopped on the floor below us, we waited for one minute, two minutes and five minutes, when the sound of commotion still didn't fade I glanced at Rudra, and for a second, I believed he understood everything I wanted to say in a single eye contact.

He took my hand, and then we moved to the fire exit stairs. I don't think I've ever felt so free before, cascading down the stairs with my hair and lehenga flowing, but my sneakers made it so comfortable and fun. One hand in his, the other holding the bindi, card, and my phone, I gently stashed them in my pocket. I love this designer; all dresses from her boutique have pockets.

I giggled, thinking, 'Isn't this how a princess would run with her lover?' He shared my joy without even knowing what I was thinking. We both laughed when he stopped in between the passage leading to a metal gate, saying, "This way, we'll exit on the first floor. That passage will take us out." He opened the doors while explaining, and I was immediately met with broad daylight. We navigated some corridors and were out in the garden in a minute. "This way," he said, still holding my hands in his.

We crossed the food counters and went to an area that resembled a small hill. The decorations were at the top of the hill, and the flower guns were pointed towards them. Some family members were eating and some were now joining.

I looked at the hill decoration in awe. 

"It's so beautiful," I awed.

"Indeed it is," he said in the same tone of awe.  This is not gonna sound very authentic, but hey, did he have to say that looking at me?

"Aren't you getting too bold, Mr Mehra?" I asked him and saw a prideful look on his face his eyes still holding the galaxy as it is.

"Me and bold? Unless I am holding you very close in my arms, in front of your Dad, who is now coming towards us, I am nowhere near bold, Miss Sharma." the eyes which once held the galaxy, are now twinkling - like stars, I soon comprehended his words and shit.

I looked around and saw Papa coming in our direction. First, he says words like that, and then Papa makes his entry. They both will be the end of me.

I turned towards Rudra, "I'll see you later." I then went towards Papa and met him halfway in a hug, "How are you feeling now?" Is there anything more embarrassing than your father asking how your hangover is?

"A little hasty morning, else everything is great." I smiled at him and looked around for Mumma, 

"Where is Mumma?"

"She and Rudra's Mom went to the phere area for some arrangements." He walked with me towards Rudra, who was very much failing at acting subtly.

"Namaste uncle," Rudra said and respectfully touched his feet. I think that's how he scores good points in all the elders' diaries.

"Hi, beta, I have some complaints, as best friends you both should help the couple more than just emotional support. See if the ceremonies are going on properly, if everything is ready or not. Your moms had to go to the 'phere' area because the flowers were ordered wrong or something like that happened there," he scolded us. I looked at Rudra and saw him widening his eyes.

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