Chapter 9: I didn't mean to be rude.

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Rudra's pov

As I slowly opened my eyes, I could feel the warmth of the morning sunlight gently caressing my face. The curtains of my room were left undrawn, allowing the first rays of the sun to filter in and paint the room in a soft, golden hue.

The white and cream walls basked in a warm, amber light, which seemed to breathe life into every object it touched. Dust particles in the air caught the light, creating a magical dance of motes that added to the enchantment of the moment.

As I shifted in my bed to rise, I took my time to gaze at the eternal beauty before me. I marvelled at how it awakened the world with its ethereal beauty, how it served as a reminder that each day is a new canvas to paint, a new page to write.

In that quiet moment, I found solace in the embrace of the rising sun and the endless possibilities it heralded but never took pride in it. 

As I got freshened up and in my gym clothes, I thought about the incidents that happened the night before, I felt peaceful yet a disturbed element suspended on a string. I did not know what was happening, but it might also be credited to her being sugar-high, her energy levels were soaring and I could only hope they wouldn't crash too abruptly.

I found myself thinking about her first thing in the morning. You know, when she stepped out of the car without taking her phone, I was confused. Then, she signalled for me to join her outside. The boy hormones in me thought she would probably invite me, but oh boy, she is a woman of culture and values. She understands the weight of her actions, well, maybe not so much when she's high.

And then she hugged me as if she had been waiting for that embrace for a thousand years, as if she had been yearning for someone to provide her with safety, to maintain her sanity, to make her feel at home.

I didn't know what to do when she suddenly hugged me. I just stood there, and when I realized she was hugging me, I embraced her with the same passion, the same hunger, as though I had been yearning for this moment, and indeed I had. I had waited for her for so long, and now that she was finally in my arms, I couldn't bear to let go.

Hugging her felt like the most natural thing in the world. Her embrace was like heaven, as if she were healing cracks in my heart I didn't even know existed. I could feel the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat and the softness of her presence enveloping me. It was as if this was the moment our souls had been waiting for.

I found myself intoxicated by the fragrance of her hair, wondering how I had never noticed it before. It was unique and delicate, just like her.

Could she also sense the intensity of my emotions, the depth of my affection, and the longing I had kept hidden for so long? I held her tighter as if trying to preserve that moment forever. I never wanted it to end. In her arms, all the weariness, perhaps accumulated over years, seemed to vanish.

The way she held me made me feel like everything was taken care of. Finally, I could breathe, I could feel alive, and it was as if I had reached the shore I had been searching for.

When she loosened her hold, I was brought back to the world, but with a newfound passion and energy. I was ready for whatever the future would bring. Stepping back a little, I gently took her hands in mine. She looked up at me with those tired eyes, her high energy now waning. I smiled and softly kissed her forehead as if hoping it would soothe away all her pain and agony.

She responded with a contented sigh, which reassured me that she felt comfortable with me kissing her. For a fleeting moment, I doubted if she was in a relationship, but then my inner stalker—forgive me, I'll confess it to her someday—reminded me that she had never been in one. I never understood why she had never entertained the idea of being with someone. I knew she had some crushes in college, though I'm not entirely updated on that because I didn't want to confine her in any way. How could I keep her bound with me when she was born to break shackles and soar high?

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