A glimpse into the past

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Rudra's pov

I did no such thing, and hence I will neither accept your allegations nor give up on my role," I said through gritted teeth to the teacher standing in front of me.

I believe hell would be preferable to these classes. This is my fourth school transfer, and it's still no better. The school is for the elite, with all the rich prodigies from town, yet the teachers remain the same—grumpy, irascible, jealous, and cantankerous!

Now, let me tell you the entire story of this incident. I am, without a doubt, the most notorious and obstinate boy in the 9th grade. I only controlled my behaviour when the principal entrusted me with the role of the class monitor. Managing others helps me manage myself. Why do I behave like this? Don't ask me. I don't know. 

Despite my mother taking me to psychologists, counsellors, philosophers, and even pandits (astrologists) to understand my thoughts, none of them succeeded in unravelling my mind.

Numerous factors have shaped the person I've become today. However, is my family aware of each of these reasons? No. Do I intend to acquaint them with these factors? No.

Yes, so we were in class, and until now, no teacher was able to control me. All they did was complain to my mom. What kind of job are they doing if they have to complain to my mom every time I do something? They can't teach me properly, my grades are slipping. I even go to tuition because they can't do their job correctly, which adds to my frustration.

The principal was also agitated along with my mother about my behaviours and actions and came up with the idea of giving me the class monitor role. This, oh my goodness, this infuriated all the teachers - why? I don't know.

But their infuriation has nothing to do with me. I don't know why they are so upset. They all seem to target me, and even my smallest mistakes are treated as if I've committed a crime.  I complained about their latecomings in class to the principal, even if my parents refused me to do such a thing, I mean you can suspend us for coming late and when you come late by 20 minutes in a 40-minute class, every day, that's okay? No, it is not.

So, when our principal was on vacation, the math teacher suspended me from my role because she thought I was laughing, which I did not do. I did what the old Rudra would do, showed them they do not control me. I called the principal and talked about the mishappenings and corruption occurring behind her back. When she came, she asked me what happened, and I told her exactly what was going on. I was being conspired against, and I don't know why. I do not know what have I done to deserve all this. 

The principal then declared that I would solely be under her jurisdiction. If she gave me the role, only she could take it away, no one else.

But I guess this was the last straw for my mother. When this time she was called to the school, she asked for my exemption for three months. When the principal was about to refuse, she said the teachers were unable to do anything. Passing the 9th grade looks like a distant dream for me. Now she wants to try this last method - sending me to my Mama's (maternal uncle's) house, where they'll take care of my academics and behaviours.

find it okay, It's great to be away from this hell amongst all these nincompoops.

I'll leave with Nana(maternal grandpa) tomorrow, I do love to be there, I have my cousins who are younger than me, unlike here, I am the youngest in my house. So yes I am going there tomorrow.

The moment I wake up and get ready to go, I leave without saying goodbye to everyone in the house. There are ten members in the house: my grandparents, bade-papa, bade-mummy, their two children, then my parents, and us two kids, among which I only had my elder cousin sister at my side. Unfortunately, we also fought about something and haven't been talking for a few months, sigh, I know.

 I leave, and I have a feeling this is going to be a turning point in my life. Maybe who knows? Let's see.

"Chale Nana?", (May we proceed, nana?)

"Chal beta",(Let's go, kid!)

We left on the bus and reached our house, "Welcome Rudra",  "Thankyou Nani" I went inside and saw the most beautiful girl, sitting there - painting with my cousin. I was astounded! 

In a t-shirt and skirt, her curly hair cascading down her back, a mole - not one but three moles in a line near her lips. She was almost 12 years old, nearly a year younger than me. She had this innocent, genuine vibe around her. Of course, that's why she could be found playing with my sister, who is the most innocent (+angriest) person ever and is coming to meet me now.

"Hi bhaiyaa, how are you, you are here after so long", I was definitely paying attention to her and not the girl who also turned her attention to me, oh! Such pretty brown eyes with that kohl, adorned with curiosity and kindness, like two windows to a world of warmth and wonder.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, rubbing my arm where my oh-so-innocent sister had just given me a not-so-subtle reminder to answer her.

"Yes yes" I said, I had no clue what she asked, "Yes, really?" she exclaimed enthusiastically, I smiled and cupped her cheeks "Yes course, how can I say no to my pretty little sister", she gave me the side eye like she knew I know nothing about what I said this yes to, I just hope I didn't say yes to her playing barbie sessions, Godd those are terrible! 

"Kaira, won't you introduce me to your new friend?" "Yes, of course. Meet Ruhi, our new neighbour's cousin who is here for vacation. Ruhi, meet Rudra, my cousin," she said, a little too enthusiastically, as if she knew something.

I went forward and shook her hand, would you believe me if I said it was not even a bit awkward having her seated and me standing in front of her?

"Okay, enough introductions. Let me show you your room; you might be tired from the journey." All of a sudden, Mamisa (maternal aunt) pushed me towards the room she assigned me. Was she observing us all the time? If yes, I am in trouble because she is very smart and intuitive. I gulped and greeted her.

I proceeded to the room and placed the bag, which I had been carrying on my shoulders, down."Welcome, beta. Take some rest, and I'll wake you at the time of dinner."

I did the same, but she was in my dreams too. What the hell, I just saw her for the first time, and she is in my dreams now.

Who knows what the future holds? I am going to enjoy my time here.

Me: Hii peeps

Who knows how our Rudra will turn out to be? Does any of you relate to him about your school life?

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