Future interactions set to change

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In space where comets wander free,

A collision's a sight that might come to be.

When icy bodies meet in the cosmic dance,

Outcomes vary in circumstance.

Fragmentation might take its place,

Breaking comets with gentle grace.

Merging, too, could join their flight,

Creating a larger body of light.

Volatiles erupt with solar heat, 

As collision exposes materials neat.

Debris could scatter, far and wide,

A cloud of particles on a celestial ride.

Brightness could shift, dim or flare,

As comets collide in the cosmic air.

Orbits may alter, paths rearrange,

Future interactions set to change.

Rare events in the starry night,

Comet collisions reveal their might.

Observing from Earth, we gain a clue,

To the secrets of space, ever anew.

Can you visualize two people in love as the given comets in this poem?

Starting with a soothing melody to tell you that this would be my home, something to come to when I feel down, the characters, the character development, the love story, the habits, the lifestyle, the families, the traditions, the environment everything will be set for comfort. 

As a learner, I welcome constructive feedback with open arms. As a lady who still feels like a little girl sometimes I welcome appreciation, acknowledgement and some attention from the right people. As a student who is also overcoming the fear of changes, fear of failure, and fear of judgements I will use this platform to put my thoughts and you are free to put yours, this way you can also practice how to correctly appreciate or respectfully disagree.

The story will begin in the next chapter.

Thank you for giving this book a chance and do tell me how many of you be with me till the end.


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