Chapter 11: Work on your ninja moves.

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Rudra's pov


She tried to stand up straight, hastily stepping away from me. As she did, her feet got tangled in her dupatta, and she came falling toward me again, more recklessly this time. If I hadn't intervened, she would have kissed the ground. So, being polite, I held her and helped her regain her balance.

Her expression turned a shocking shade of red, like a tomato, she looked like she got caught by the principal for setting the school on fire.

When I looked up, I spotted a man—nearly 50, clad in a crisp white kurta set. He exuded an air of stern authority.

"Won't you greet your father, Arohi?" he said sweetly. 'Oh, it's her Dad!' Aarohi rushed to him, touching his feet and embracing him. He seemed so young when he smiled, his hand cradling her head. "I missed you, papa," she sighed.

He cast a curious glance at me, raising his eyebrows inquisitively. "And this is...?"

"Namaste, Uncle. I'm Rudra Mehra, Rishi's best friend," I introduced myself, keeping it concise.

"Come, let's go for lunch. Everyone is waiting for you both," he said, motioning for me to walk with them. I complied. "So, Rudra, what do you do for a living?" he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity, concern, and protectiveness.

Is he already sizing me up as a potential groom?

"Well, I'm an entrepreneur with my hands in various ventures. One of them is hotels, and this establishment happens to be my first project. I'm also involved in my family's business with my other siblings, and I have some plans to explore new ventures this year."

I stole a glance at Arohi and saw her eyes widening. Oh, baby. And when Uncle seemed impressed, though not overly so, he looked ahead, and I couldn't resist winking at Aarohi, who turned even redder.

Did I not mention, darling, that I'm quite the adventurous soul? hahaha

We reached the dining hall, and Aarohi squealed with delight upon seeing her family. To my greater surprise, even my mom and dad were present. Thank goodness he didn't invite my siblings because Mehra's grandchildren are one better than another in every field. You ask for looks, we have golden genes. You ask for money, it's in our roots. You ask for morals, values, manners, and chivalry—Mehras have it all. 

I don't take pride in it, but if my sister came here and so much as glanced in my direction, she'd know everything I'm up to. Did I mention we are four peas in a pod? I have one sister, then two cousins, and I am the youngest of them all. Just imagining my siblings brings a smile to my face. I go to my parents, and they both stand up to greet and hug me. Don't get me wrong, I do miss them, but I meet them now and then and talk whenever I can. After all, we all live in Pune if not travelling.

I looked at Aarohi, and she was beaming with joy, standing between her parents. We all settled and brought the dishes. They probably met the couple and family beforehand.

They were all talking and chatting, and I found it surprising how well all the elders got together like they were some old-school friends reuniting.

We all sat there and ate in silence when Rishi's mom asked about Arohi's plans. She glanced in my direction and winked, catching the attention of my mother, who raised a brow in my direction. I just smiled sheepishly—damn, as I said, my family understands me well when they want to.

"Right now, I am working at Google as a Business analyst. Since I'm only 23, I'm thinking of pursuing higher business studies abroad, but that's just a thought for now."

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