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"Alright ladies! We have to win this jamboree, especially if you want colleges looking at you to scout you into their schools"

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"Alright ladies! We have to win this jamboree, especially if you want colleges looking at you to scout you into their schools"


Coach Jauregui had called a volleyball team meeting, the football and the volleyball team were hosting jamborees, since Dinah had been out of commission since the shooting, she was finally ready to come back, however she could come back into the dynamic. The welcome she got was the complete opposite of what she thought she would get, but it was nice to know her teammates was treating her the same and not giving her a pity party. 

"So let's make these last few practices count and show these other teams what we're made of, am I clear?" 

"Yes!" The team shouted in unison. 

"Now go out and show me you've applied everything I've taught you" 

"Hansen can I talk to you for a second?" 

Dinah stopped in her tracks and walked towards Coach Jauregui "It's good to see you here and to know you'll be back next season" 

"Thanks coach, I appreciate that" 

"I just want to make sure that you're okay with being back on the field fully, I don't want you to go out there and you're not ready" Coach Jauregui said with full concern "Any moment you feel like you can't handle it you let me know okay?" 

Dinah nodded, appreciating her concern "I will Coach Jauregui, thank you" 

"Now go join the rest of your teammates" 

Dinah walked towards the middle of the gym, seeing Lauren stretching near the benches. 

"I've missed you around here DJ" Lauren said, giving the Polynesian a hug. 

"Don't tell me you've been that miserable Jauregui, I have to leave more often" Dinah joked as Lauren detached herself from the embrace, to say Dinah had missed her Cuban friend was a understatement, messaging each other was not enough to suffice. 

"Nope I refuse to let you leave this time, you're stuck with me forever" Lauren said interlocking their arms together "Did you hear about who will be battling match at the Jamboree?" 

Dinah shook her head. 

"Well it's Sac, Oakland, and then Malibu" 

Dinah stopped in her tracks once she heard Lauren say it, taking a deep sigh in frustration "You're joking right? Malibu?" 

"No, I'm not" Lauren said taking notice of how stiff Dinah had gotten "Is there something wrong DJ? Why do you feel so tense all of sudden?" 

"Camila plays for Malibu" Dinah said, Lauren looked at her confused as to why she mentioned the name, not catching on "you remember the toxic ex girlfriend I was telling you about a couple months ago?" 

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