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Flashback week 2 after the shooting:

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Flashback week 2 after the shooting:

"Liv wants to see you" Giselle said peeking her head through the door. 

Dinah sat in her bed, barely looking back at her mother. Barely reacting to the fact that Liv was trying to talk to her, she wanted to be alone and she didn't want to be bothered.

"I don't want any visitors" Dinah said blankly. 

"Baby this is the fourth time she'd come over to see you" Giselle mentioned, the worry not being missed in her voice "Did she do something wrong?" 

That was the thing. Liv wasn't the one who had done anything wrong. It was all Dinah, with her fucked up father who had triggered a chain of events that led to her loved ones nearly getting hurt,  she couldn't bare to look at Liv or even speak to her, if she did, she would fold, probably break down in tears knowing her trauma was because of her father, it was triggering. 

"No mom it's not her, it's me" Dinah said, feeling the tears brimming at her eyes but she refused to let them fall, she didn't want to cry over this situation, not again."I can't see her right now mom....I truly can't" 

"you're going to have to talk to her at some point babygirl, it's not fair to be pushing her away like this. You two need each other" 

Her mother was right, in a situations like these she would need her girlfriend especially her best friend to be right next to her to talk to and hold on to, but her brain was louder than her heart  screaming at her to run down those stairs and give Liv the biggest hug in the world and kiss her face and keep her in her room with her forever, but she remained still and she remained silent not bothering to debate with her mother, Dinah knew her silence was more than a good enough answer on her stance. 

"There's going to be a point where the guilt you feel right now will intensify, especially for pushing the girl you've waited for away, I'm telling you Dinah you don't want to lose Liv when you just got her"  was the last thing Giselle said before closing her door, leaving Dinah yet again to deal with her damaging thoughts, that continued to fuck with her brain as the days went by. 

DINAH was greeted with soft kisses repeatedly surrounding her face.

When Dinah fluttered her eyes open, she was met with lovingly cocoa ones, glimmering under the sunlight that was hitting her amber skin. Dinah had felt like she was dreaming, seeing an angel right in front of her eyes. And if she was, she hoped this dream that would repeat for the rest of her life.  

The past weekend was one of the best weekends she ever had, not only did they have a successful first date but they're first time together was more than magical, especially with the countless of rounds they did in every space possible. The blonde could vaguely remember doing much else in the last 48 hours; the couple had found a new obsession with each other, not wanting to let each other go, they had a lot of reconnecting to do with the lack of contact for the past month. From watching movies, to laughing about the dumbest things, or devouring each other and never getting enough, especially for Liv. Dinah couldn't barely leave her sight. The way Liv had looked at her the last two days, was in a way that Dinah had never felt familiar with before, she also found herself to be highly hypersensitive to every touch, kiss, and display of affection. She swore she felt like a frat boy. 

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