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"HANSEN Where's your head?"

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"HANSEN Where's your head?"


Dinah looked at Coach Jauregui who wasn't impressed on how she was carrying herself during practice, she was a mess and wasn't focused. Usually, the Polynesian had no problem blocking out any outside noise when it came to volleyball, it was her perfect escape when things were going weary, but today she just wasn't able to.  

"I'm sorry coach" Dinah apologized. 

"Don't be sorry, just stay focused Hansen. Go take a beat and come back in 10" Coach Jauregui says, Dinah nods at her and goes towards the bench, she felt someone touch her shoulder lightly. It was Lauren Jauregui, the coach's daughter and one of the best players on the team. Dinah and Lauren had forged a quick bond, sharing a lot of similarities. The Cuban too had moved all the way from Miami a year ago, so she shared the experience of coming to a new place and being the new girl in town.  

"You okay hon?" Lauren says to her as they had sat on the bench.

Dinah wiped her face from the sweat dripping down her face, before answering Lauren "I'm fine" 

The Cuban had given Dinah a look, knowing that she was lying "Is I'm fine code for I'm not fine?" 

Dinah sighed as she watched her teammates practicing "I saw my dad at my friend's cookout a few days ago" 

Lauren raised her eyebrow in question "I'm going to assume that you and your dad...." 

"I haven't seen him since I was small, and all of sudden he popped out of the blue" Dinah explained "I didn't say hi to him and he didn't say anything to me, but I saw him and....I don't know why he was even there, I had no idea that was where he was" 

Dinah put her head down, her thoughts going everywhere. She hadn't seen her father since she was 8 years old, and the only form of memory she had of him was through photos her mom had of him. Just like any kid, Dinah always had questions and needed answers, but her mother didn't have a reason. Not one that was good enough to make her daughters feel less abandoned. It hurt in the beginning, but over the years Dinah had grown to accept that her father would possibly never be in her life again, she even imagined what she would say or do if she ever saw him. That she would probably be more angry than she was happy, not even wanting a conversation. But now seeing him again, she remained motionless above it. 

She hadn't even broke the news to her mom or to Ally, and she wasn't sure if she would. 

"Are you curious as to why he left?" Lauren asked her. 

The girl looked towards watching her teammates again "I don't know" 

"And that's know that right?" Lauren says, validating her emotions. Lauren was good at that, being empathetic and understanding. 

"He didn't even say hi, he just....stood there. Watching me and Liv talk" Dinah drifted off "I have no idea what to even think of it" 

"Hey" Lauren said, Dinah turning around to face her "You're going to be okay, you just have to figure out how you're going to deal with it" 

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