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DINAH couldn't keep herself present

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DINAH couldn't keep herself present.

Tonight was supposed to be filled with celebration. A night where Dinah could bask in her first win. But instead she was sitting in the back porch of the Baker's residence, her mind drifting elsewhere, despite everyone trying to cheer her up. Her cup and plate remained untouched and at this point too cold for her even attempt to reheat it and put something in her stomach. The celebrations were over, and Liv decided to hold Dinah hostage for the weekend, with Jordan going by JJ's, Spencer spending the weekend with his family, Laura visiting her mom and Billy back in Crenshaw, Liv would have the house to herself, and Giselle thought it would be a great idea for Dinah to spend the weekend with her best friend considering the chain of events that transpired tonight. 

So far it was a bit of bust. 

She couldn't stop thinking about Kai popping up at her home tonight and the rage that took over her mother's face. In just a two month span of moving to Beverly Hills, Dinah's life has been getting flipped over and over again, and it was just becoming exhausting. 

She's only 17.  

Kai obviously didn't understand what the word no meant, and just because he raised her and her sister for 8 years, it meant that he was obligated to being in their lives again. Actually, it didn't mean he was a father in the first place. Those 8 years were years that Dinah vaguely remembered, having little to no memories when it came to her estranged father; she didn't even know if they even shared a bond. The more Kai seemed to want to force the fact of them being a family again, the harder he was making it for them all. Dinah knew deep in her heart, that she couldn't trust him. He couldn't be trusted. 

"Dinah" Dinah felt a palm on her shoulder, her eyes averting to the right of her seeing a pair of brown orbs pouring into her lighter ones "You're going to have to eat at some point, you've barely touched your food" 

Dinah snapped her eyes towards back her plate of food her mother made for her, and her cup of fruit punch, the thought of eating alone didn't make her want to any more of a appetite. 

Dinah scrunched her nose, pushing the cup and plate away "I'm not hungry" 

Liv had taken a seat next to her "Do you wanna talk about it? Or maybe not talk about it and you just need the company?" 

Dinah heaved a sigh, she didn't see the point of keeping it from Liv "Kai had paid us a visit" 

Liv eyes widened "Kai? Like Crenshaw Kai? That Kai?" 

Dinah didn't bother to react, at this point the reactions when it came to her father no longer swayed her "That's him" 

"Are you okay? Did he hurt yo-" 

"Liv" Dinah snapped "He's my father so he had zero intentions on hurting me and Ally" 

Liv had went silent, something that wasn't a usual thing with the Baker twin, it was how Dinah knew that Liv was truly speechless "Woah...and how are you handling that?" 

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