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The introductions. Having to talk about herself. Socializing. Meeting new people. All of it had made Dinah's nerves go bad, especially since she was comfortable with the life she had in Santa Ana, but now she was embarking a new one in Beverly Hills. 

Her mother had gotten an opportunity to open her own realtor office in Beverly Hills, an opportunity that Dinah herself had encouraged her to take, despite her mother's apprehensiveness; Dinah knew it was her mother's dream of opening her own business and being her own boss, and the blonde wanted nothing more than for her mother to achieve that dream, considering the amount of sacrifices she made for Dinah and Ally to have a good life. 

And now here they were, living in their brand new home in Beverly Hills. 

Dinah looked in the mirror once more, adjusting her curly blonde locks and looking at her outfit once more, before grabbing her bag and heading downstairs; the sound of Marvin Gaye was blasting through the speakers in her living room, and there stood her mother and her sister Ally, Ally using the spatula as a microphone and sharing it with her mother. 

Dinah laughed softly at the sight, not wanting to make any indication that she was present, watching her two favorite people enjoying themselves. 

"Seems like you two are having fun without me" Dinah said loud enough for both of the women to look at her, Ally made grabby hands at her sister bringing her in to their mini dance session, twirling her as she sung the lyrics to the song. The mornings with Ally and her mother, always started so eventful. 

"Okay we need to hurry before your both late to your first day of school" Giselle stated "and I need to make it to the office" 

"It's okay mom, I could just use the jeep and drop us to school" Ally said, Dinah instantly shook her head in protest, as much as she trusted her sister with her life; she did not trust Ally behind the wheel. 

"I will not kill us" Ally assured Dinah, but the Polynesian was not swayed; Ally may have thought she was the best driver on the planet but if Dinah had to put her two sense into it, she would rather anyone else take the wheel. 

"It won't be that bad baby" Giselle said giving both Dinah and Ally kisses on their cheeks before grabbing her purse and her keys "I want to know all about your first day went when I get home! Be safe babies and I love you!" 

"Love you" The sisters said at the same time, watching their mother leave out the front door. 

 Dinah grabbed her pistachio muffin and the coffee Ally pre-made her in her favorite coffee cup "You better not kill us Hernandez" 

"Shut up and get in the car" Ally said pushing Dinah towards the front door. 

Blue Honeymoon ⬪ O.BakerWhere stories live. Discover now