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"JJ, take this blindfold off before I whip the blond out of your hair"  Olivia threatened.

It had been 20 minutes since JJ had 'kidnapped' the twins and Dinah, and now they were being led to God knows where, increasing Dinah's annoyance by the mile. They were supposed to be home, and it was intended she spent the rest of the day with Olivia, now plans were thrown right out the window, since they were thrown into whatever shenanigans JJ was planning.  

"Dude, for real, OK? My mom's gonna kill us if she finds that we're not home" Jordan says as JJ continues to lead them whatever the hell they were going. 

"Which is why I kidnapped you. Intent is 90% of the law. There's no punishment if there's no intent to party" 

Although no one could see it due to being blindfolded, Dinah rolled her eyes at JJ, she couldn't believe she would bare witness to another one of JJ's outrageous parties, and knowing she was going to pay for it later. 

"Party?" Liv asked. 

Dinah felt her blindfold taken off and she looked at the crowds of people yelling surprise to the birthday twins, she watched the look on the faces Jordan had looked amused by the amount of people, whereas Liv didn't look too happy at the sight. 

"Hey, she was right. We couldn't let the Baker twins' b-day go un-celebrated" JJ beamed. 

"She who?" Dinah asked JJ, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.  

"Happy birthday, Bakers!" 

Dinah snapped her head watching Layla, walking down the stairs wearing a pink dress and stilettos to match, she walked down with shots in her hand. Layla plastered a smile towards the twins, seeming to look genuine, but Dinah wasn't stupid seeing right through her. 

This girl was crazy. Truly. 

"Here's a shot for you two" Layla said, Dinah could smell the tequila without having to bring it up to her nose, and who knew if Layla had put something in her drink "and of course a seltzer for Liv" 

Dinah looked at her curly haired friend, who didn't react to this entire ordeal, she was probably in a lot more shock than Dinah was at the moment. And she couldn't imagined how confused Liv must've been at Layla's behavior, if it could indicate one thing, it showed just how much Layla was spiraling, it would only be a matter of time before their friend would start to crack.

And Dinah knew it would come sooner than later. 

"Cheers everyone!" 

The first 20 minutes of this party, Dinah was more than ready to go home. Jordan had disappeared since he ran off seeing the girls he slept with, and JJ had initiated a hide and go get it game. Basically it was a pathetic excuse to get laid, and Dinah wanted no part in it, considering she might actually kill somebody  if one more person initiated wanting to get in her pants. 

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