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It was the voice of her mother speaking above the covers that were buried on top of her head. Dinah didn't answer, since she hoped if she pretended that she was asleep her mother would let her be, but it would be useless, because one thing Giselle Knowles never allows is for her daughters to wallow in their sadness for too long.

"I let you sit in your feelings for two days Dinah Jane, it's time to get up baby" Giselle said tugging the covers from above her, Dinah's curls were all over her face as she laid face down in her pillows, refusing to see the sunlight that was assaulting the walls of her room.

"Mom" Dinah dragged out her voice muffled in the pillow.

"Don't mom me baby, you need to get out of bed and shake it off" Giselle ordered, dragging Dinah's arm and pulling her up "I don't understand why Camila's pop up is getting to you this much, you've come too far in regards to her to let this effect you"

It wasn't just Camila popping up two nights ago that was bugging her. Matter of fact, it wasn't the sole reason why she was feeling so down, it was the amount of embarrassment she felt because she went into flight mode; especially when she did work so hard to move past the horror of what was Camila Cabello. She promised herself she would never allow the Cuban to trigger her or her presence to mess her up. Camila didn't deserve that from Dinah. But that night at the beach something switched something in her, and she couldn't understand why that was.

Dinah finally sat up and her mother sat next to her, placing her hand on her daughter's knee "Are you going to wallow forever?"

"It's not Camila popping up that's making me feel so moody, it's the fact that I let her presence affect me" Dinah explained to her mother "I did the work mom, I did everything to move past how much she hurt me and I thought I was strong enough and then seeing her again...I felt myself become so powerless and I think she saw that"

To say that Camila Cabello was the love of her life at one point, made Dinah sick to her stomach. That saying about first loves being something special and your most memorable one? It certainly was in the most negative way possible. Camila was her first girlfriend ever when she chose to be openly lesbian, but Camila had proven herself to be quite the manipulator. She was good at reeling the polynesian in every time. Dinah was practically the naive girlfriend who would put up with anything simply because she didn't love herself enough to know she deserved better. She was in so deep that she didn't notice the changes that impacted not only her but the people around her. It had taken some time to get pieces of herself that went missing, since she lost herself to someone who didn't give a damn about her.

"Baby" Giselle rubbed Dinah's back "What Camila put you through last year was horrible, and you moved past it. Why? Because you've become a whole stronger and wiser my dear. But when it comes to healing, you're going to have setbacks. And maybe your response to Camila popping up happened for a reason, maybe because you haven't fully confronted it"

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