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IT WAS A WEEK since the incident with the Baker twins and Layla occurred

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IT WAS A WEEK since the incident with the Baker twins and Layla occurred. 

Dinah was lucky enough to escape her mother's wrath, after she explained everything. She still got in trouble though, having to come straight home unless she had volleyball practice, but nonetheless the punishment wasn't harsh, but Dinah didn't see being  home more often as punishment. She actually never been so glad to be home for a few days. 

She hadn't seen or talked to Liv that much since that night of the party, it was few texts here and there, but the conversations were short lived. She figured that Liv needed space for a while, especially losing her best friend that had been in her life since childhood, Dinah could only imagine how upsetting it was for her. She hadn't heard a thing from Layla either, or any updates about her current situation, it was expected since Dinah practically furthered the embarrassment that night. 

On her first day of freedom, she decided to take a drive to Crenshaw and going to visit Spencer. She sat in front of his house, waiting for him to come home since Grace said that he went for a run to clear his mind. The news of Spencer losing Corey spread like wildfire, and Dinah sent him messages and checking in with him, but also giving him the time he needed. Losing a loved one was never an easy process, especially a parent.

"Dinah Jane in Crenshaw? Am I seeing things?" Spencer greets once he had taken his headphones out of his head.

Dinah rolled her eyes at him, it was good to see he still had a comedic bone in his body "Boy hush, I came to check in on you but obviously you got time to make jokes" 

"I'll be here all week" 

Spencer had taken a seat next to Dinah, as they sat on the front porch. The silence was deafening, Dinah was never good when it came to death, there wasn't any proper tools when it came to these kind of dark times. She wanted to find the right words to show her sympathy, but she was sure Spencer had heard every pity statement in the book since Corey passed away. 

"I'm really sorry about Corey" Dinah said turning to face Spencer, her face expressed in sympathy  "How you've been doing?" 

Spencer huffed before answering "First time he left, it hurt. I mean, I felt his absence for years, but he was still out there, you know?" 

"But now this time, it's permanent" Dinah said finishing his thoughts.

"Yeah. There's just so much I still want to talk to him about, things I want to ask him, and I can't."

"You know my mom used to say that once people transcend into heaven, their spirit shows up in a lot of ways, it could be through nature, or even animals. Corey may not be able to respond to you in the way that you know, but he can still and always will hear you. You'll still feel him" 

"So the next time I see a cat standing in front of my porch, it's him?" 

Dinah slapped Spencer's shoulder, knowing that him cracking joke was his way of dealing with the unfortunate circumstance "It doesn't work like that dummy, I mean his physical form is gone but his spiritual one is still alive, he's with you and everywhere that you go, he'll show you and you'll know" 

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