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Eugen Doga's Gramophone Waltz sung its melodies in her earphones as Radhika was sat on her study table completing a presentation for the new idea which she had in mind. The product department VP was very acceptive towards any new ideas supported with concrete research, and when Radhika had spoken with him of what she had in mind, he quickly told her to make a presentation for the idea she had in mind.

It had been a week since she had been to Rajeev's place now.

Oh how she loved his beautiful home. But she loved the people loving in that home even more. The wonderful bond in between them was something she really felt envious of. Yes, there was love in between her parents and her brother and her, but where was the warmth?

Asides of a few maternal moments she felt and shared with her mother, which too were laced with some sort of restrictions in those conversations - but it was all well.

However, when it came to the bonding between Rajeev and his parents - the conversations simply flowed free. It was as though three best of the friends were speaking with each other, and while she might have felt like an intruder initially, the manner in which they included her in their conversations was so very heart-warming. Meeta anuty and Gaurav uncle had made a special place in her heart, and she felt extremely gratified that the Gods above had sent Rajeev her way, along with his wonderful parents.

They laughed and smiled, and the three of them grouped together against Rajeev and teased him. Radhika thoroughly enjoyed every single moment spent with her new family and felt a tug in her heart when it came the time to leave and go back to her present reality.

Her parents had their place in her heart, but in such a short span, she even felt that Gaurav uncle and Meeta aunty too would have a similar place in there.

Its just like this simple fact, no matter how unbelievable or even absurd it might seem to some - you can sometimes stay with a person your whole life, and still not know them, and you might bond with a person over a matter of a few minutes, and still know them, and understand them as though you have felt that familiarity your whole life. Such was the case when it came to Rajeev and his parents.

"Ahhh", she jumped in her place, when she felt a hand on her shoulder, as she had finished making a process chart.

"Shh, Radhi beta.", she heard her maa's voice as she took off the earphone form Radhika's left ear.

"Why do you even keep listening to this all the time. Your ears are going to get damaged one day beta.", her mom shook her head, and a smile graced its way onto Radhika's lips.

'All parents' favourite dialogue.', she thought to herself, and though she knew what her mom spoke was scientifically true, it was difficult to get rid of using earphones. The thing is, she often tried to listen to these waltzes and other classical music pieces on phone or laptop speakers, but the notes didn't just feel the same. Those addictive earphones had their own magic.

"Maa", Radhika called out as she saw her mother tidying up some clothes which she had strewn on the chair.

Her mother turned to face her.

"You are cute.", she smiled.

Her mother simply stared at her, shook her head and got back to work.

"Yeah, of course I am cute for doing your work."

"Maa", Radhika spoke, "just this once."

"Hmm, I am your mother and will do these for you, but what about your in-laws. Meeta ji isn't going to pamper you at all. You will have to get used to doing all of these tasks - not just for yourself, but for your husband, for you in-laws. You will have to be the one to pick up all of these responsibilities after marriage, and will have to do so properly, else they will question our upbringing."

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