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"Radhika yaar, our entire product development team is going to be there for the get-together. Just try to convince your parents or something, girl. I know its difficult, but at least for me, please try this once."

Neeti had a concerned and hopeful expression on her face, all at once, and Radhika didn't know how to handle her words.

Neeti Kapoor was her closest friend, I mean, as close as she would let anyone get to her. She worked alongside Radhika in her company on the same post, but their acquaintance went long back to the time they had began their bachelors degree in the same college and in the same course. Radhika wasn't as much keen on making friends, but was cordial and polite with all of those who were cordial and polite with her. And for the bullies and miscreants, she had her own peculiar way of answering them. Neeti liked the way Radhika was, approached her, they clicked, and here they were six years later.

"Do you think Neeti that I must not have tried? But you know how strict they are when it comes to my hours out of the home. I even tried explaining them that things like get-togethers only help you get acquainted more with your team and sometimes help strengthen your professional footing, but to no avail.", Radhika shrugged feigning a careless demeanour, but only she knew how much she really cared within.

It was natural for her to want to interact with other colleagues the way everyone did. Natural for her to want to be normal just like the way everyone socialized.

'The only thing they are enthusiastic about is getting you married.', her subconscious reminded her, or maybe, it was a taunt.

"Leave it. That's okay. Let's get back to work.", Radhika suggested shrugging off her thoughts.

Neeti still had a frown on her face, and Radhika knew of her genuine intentions.

"Its okay Neeti. It really is. Now come on, smile for me.", she tried to cheer her up. Neeti gave in to her subtle cajoling and smiled. Radhika reciprocated that smile. Neeti was indeed a nice girl.

"Radhi beta, you came early today."

Radhika's mom was pleasantly surprised when she had reached home an hour prior to her regular timing.

"Hmm.", Radhika's reply was disinterested, yet she was cautious enough lest anything concerning the get-together were to come up.

"Radhi, you know beta we care for you, and its only because of our concern that we did not allow you for that get-together. And as it is, after your marriage you would need to focus on home and children more than your job, so that time also it will be the same right?", her mom's tone might have felt soothing some other time, but the words did what they had to, and Radhika's mood soured even further, but she did not want to argue. No use of arguing where even your valid points are not ever considered, and Radhika had learned this the hard way.

"Hmm.", another disinterested reply and Vijaya knew that her daughter was not coaxed with her sweet words.

"Accha (alright), let it be. How about we make kheer tonight? You love that so much, and I am sure that will make you happy."

(kheer - a pudding/porridge popular in the Indian subcontinent)

Well, that was the truth, but Radhika wasn't a fool to not recognize her mom's true agenda behind the kheer.

"Also, it was good that the proposal from the last week was rejected by you. A new proposal has come from that matrimonial site, and this person seems really good. He's a bit older than you, but that doesn't seem like an issue. I think you two will get along. What do you think Radhi?"

"Hmm.", Radhika simply gave a defeated acknowledgement, and reluctant acceptance. Well, who even cared for her reluctance here?

"That's good. So, I am preparing the kheer for you, and tell me what you want for dinner. I have decided to prepare one dish of everyone's preference today.", her mom had a sudden excitement plastered on her face.

Yours, With LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ