only dark clouds without u 😥

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It had been 3 months since yoongi moved away. Jimin was walking to school smoking a freshly lit cigarette, it was drizzling light rain outside. The weather was very gloomy. Jimin was scrolling through old pictures of him and yoongi, " you promised to at least say goodbye before you left you asshole " he sighed " I guess I'll have to just-

" mmm just what ??" a familiar voice was heard from behind, ofc not a wanted one. Jimins face churned with disgust realizing who it was as he turned around. "Ugh, what do you want jungkook ? I'm not in the mood for you and your bull "

Jungkook: "are you still going on about that yoongi boy ??" *sigh* "he isnt coming back for you yk"

Jimin: "fuck you jungkook! And mind your buisness,  yes he will come back, he promised me, yoongis never broke a promise "

Jungkook: *scoffs* "yeah well he also hasn't ditched you like he did before either, even the closest people to us betray us in life sometimes jimin"  jungkook said with a fake saddened expression on his face trying to get on jimins goodside, although he liked the fiery side of jimin just as much.  "Also if you wanted to fuck all you had to do is say so.

Jungkook:  I'd make a nice replacement, you wont regret it *smiles* it would be like champagne confetti, I'd treat you really well.

Jimin: *laughs * "your so funny jungkook, but you could never replace yoongi or anyone for that matter " "isnt it clear that I dont really like you that much? "His tone was irritated sounding "

Jungkook: "awe okay cranky baby, I'll leave you alone but whenever it clicks that yoongi doesnt love you anymore I wont turn you down, just call me.  Here you can have my number". Jungkook saved his number in jimins phone and added jimins number in his phone then began walking off. Jimin flipped jungkook off as he was also walking away. " jungkook is such a dirty dawg, he probably fucks every guy and girl that goes his way" " I'd never fall into his rabbit hole"

That night jimin thought a little bit about jungkook, he was a handsome bunny, but probably no good, every since yoongi left jungkook had been firrtung with him and asking him if he wants to fucked. He knew it was better to stay away.

On the other hand yoongi was on his mind too, jimin missed the morning hugs and laughs. All the cuddles when he felt sad all the ...well love. There was no longer anyone there to ask jimin if he was okay, or if he wanted to talk ir eat together. Jimin felt like his heart was empty And after all those words of jungkooks kept playing  in and out of jimins head. What if jungkook was right amd yoongi didnt love him anymore? But he wanted to try to keep faith in yoongi for at least a little while longer. when he was 18 that's when he promisesd to come back. ( yoongi won't come back until  later though many years later, sry for the mini  spoiler )

         5 months later time skip ( idk what to right as filler story so we will see what happens, but I can promise it will be entertaining! You will always want to know what goes on next. REMEMBER THIS IS MY PRACTICE STORY SINCE ITS MY FiRST STORY. )

Jimin graduated although he didnt know what was gonna be the next step in his life he was still proud of himself for his hard work. Its had been 8 months since yoongi left and 8 months turned into 1 year and 8 months. Jimin didnt believe in yoongis words anymore that he would be back, he was pissed at yoongi, he still hadn't came back and he left without the final goodbye.

Jimin had no parents no siblings, and no true friends and it was just him again. Would he be lonely forever ??

( I'll seee you in next chap. Sry this one was so short I fell asleep writing it lol )

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